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Monday, May 11, 2015

Satanists Sue for 'Religious Exemption' to Keep Abortion in Missouri

A branch of the Satanic Temple sued Missouri on Friday seeking a religious exemption to the state's mandatory 72-hour law regarding abortion after a member was denied the procedure at a Planned Parenthood office.

Under the lawsuit, the group is citing the Federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) in the way that Christian businesses and organizations have to avoid providing contraception to their employees, The Daily Beast reports.

The plaintiff is named in the suit as "Mary Doe." She declined to be interviewed by the Daily Beast.

The Satanic Temple filed the action after Doe visited the Planned Parenthood office, handing them a letter stating that the law conflicted with her religious beliefs when she was denied an abortion immediately because of the waiting period, according to the report.

"As an adherent to the principles of the Satanic Temple, my sincerely held religious beliefs are: My body is inviolable and subject to my will alone," the letter says. It ends with, "I respectfully request that you provide me with an abortion today."

The 72-hour waiting period, required in Missouri and three other states, requires women to consider their decision for that time period after requesting an abortion. Oklahoma increased its law from 24 to 72 hours on Thursday, the Daily Beast reports.


1 comment:

  1. only if it's retroactive for those who endorse it.


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