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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Sanders offers legislation to make college free

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) unveiled legislation Tuesday that would make a college education free in the United States.

Calling the cost of higher education a “national disgrace,” the liberal presidential candidate argued his bill is critical for the nation’s economic future and squarely in line with the nation’s values.

“This disgrace has got to end,” he said of the current state of tuition costs. “This is not what America is supposed to be about.”

Under the bill, every public college and university in the country would not charge tuition. Instead, the federal government, in conjunction with the states, would foot the bill.



  1. Great. Let's flood society with more philosophy degrees

  2. Wow ... I was just thinking (again) that I make too much money and wish there was another tax that I could pay.

  3. I will support making college free as long as you pay me for the thousands upon thousands of dollars I paid for mine with interest.

  4. I would rather see educated professors.

  5. Then who will pay all those overpaid college administrators?

  6. Making it free will make a degree worth exactly what you pay for it.

    Which, I guess might be more than it's worth now?

  7. 5:25 - I would rather see intelligent politicians!

  8. Those being "educated" today are dumb as clams. Talk to 21-14 year old graduates and you will be astounded how stupid they are about reality, civic and current events, and the "real" world.

  9. Stupid has always been free.

  10. It won't matter. Most on welfare will choose to stay on welfare because they don't want to learn anything or work for a living. The real America is gone!

  11. The other day I got on a free colleges website.The conditions appear to be restricting in my opinion,but there are quite a few free colleges in the US already.

  12. What people like Mr. Sanders don't recognize, is that not everyone is college material.

    Everyone should have a marketable skill, and the discipline and work ethic to put it to use. Whether it's chemical engineering, plumbing, programming, office administration, nursing, truck driving or small engine repair, everyone should graduate with the ability to perform some service that someone else is willing to pay them for.

    If everyone has the "right" to go to college, the degree will mean about as much as a diploma from an inner city Chicago high school.

  13. Another political promotion. Anyone with half a mind can tell you nothing is free.

    Taxes will go up 150% more than what is needed to fill the "need."

  14. Free? Someone will have to pay the huge salaries of the professors. What about the cost to run the school? Someone has to pay.

  15. If you make it free people will abuse it. There are already enough getting it for free that are abusing it.


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