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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Rice Consulting and Mike Miller's connections are raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for the Mathias Campaign

President of the Senate Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr. &
Chairman of the Finance Committee Senator Thomas "Mac" Middleton

invite you to a
“Spectacular Red, White & Blue” Happy Hour 
Senator Jim Mathias
Maryland State Senate, District 38
Member, Senate Finance Committee
Somerset-Wicomico-Worcester Counties

Tuesday, June 30, 2015
4:00 – 6:00 p.m.

117 West 49th Street
Ocean City, Maryland 21842

Host - $1,000  |  Sponsor - $500
Patron - $250  |  Guest - $100

checks payable to: Friends of Jim Mathias
and mail to: 3546 Figgs Landing Road | Snow Hill, Maryland 21863

For more information or to R.S.V.P., contact Rice Consulting at
(toll free) 1-866-838-0037 or info@riceconsultingllc.com.


Authority: Friends of Jim Mathias, Donna Richardson West, Treasurer

Friends of Jim Mathias
3546 Figgs Landing Road
Snow Hill MD 21863 United States


  1. I thought he was always working for US! Maybe all that $$ will help the after Labor Day back to skool committee come to a conclusion - his signature issue LOL

  2. Honor him. for what? The dis-service he has done to his constituents, ignoring what the people (majority) in his district wanted him to vote for or against! I personally have a strong dislike for any career politician, this is not what the founding fathers (and their wives) wanted when they framed the constitution nor what was meant by 'for the people, of the people and by the people'. It has led to cronismn, favortism, nepatism and any other 'ism' of the same ilk. As well as to an elite group who have managed to not have the same laws apply to them as the rest of the American citizens!

  3. After not supporting the elected school board for Wicomico County it won't matter how much money he raises, Jim is toast.

  4. Just like a church, a politician only cares about money going into their pocket. Should be banned from ANY money, or it should be deducted from their salary and benefits. These inept people are getting too fat on our dime.

  5. The cost of Buying influence.

  6. Ditto 7:47! He's trying to carry Norm Goneway's torch - even after the smackdown he got!

    Add to that the PMT report that was hidden until after the election...

  7. Don't vote for this nut!!!
    It's time to clean house and get the career politicians out!

  8. Don't forget Jim Mathias is working hard to fill Somerset County and Ocean City's sea shore with industrial wind turbines which will increase every ones electricity rates.

  9. Heard the tea party is gearing up for a protest there, one guy said he will be there to take pictures of ALL participants

  10. Bob Aswell... VoterMay 22, 2015 at 12:25 PM

    The biggest honor that Maryland could do for itself would be to bag and drop Mathias, Miller, and Busch off the Bay Bridge. Bob Aswell

  11. Lets hope Mike McDermott runs again.

  12. Hell will freeze over before I vote for Jim Mathias, the sleazeball.

  13. I won't be doing anticipated business with Rice Consulting either.

  14. Mary Beth can beat him

  15. Jim Mathias signed his own political 'Death Warrant' when he stated that there needed to be more public input into an Elected School Board.

    Our citizens do not need politicians that don't know what they are saying or doing. Where was Jim Mathias when there were countless hearings held on this matter. I attended at least two public hearings and I know first hand that it was the subject to at least 5 Wicomico County Council meetings.

    Believe me, Jim Mathias is history. And to make matters worse, in his own home Distict they have an elected school board. It really does bode bad for Jim Mathias.

  16. Jim Mathias as running Mate With Hillary Clinton in 2016...

    YEAH, more Freebies for all those who wish not to work!

  17. Mathias: Get a REAL JOB. Royal Plus suck up jobs don't count. OC Emergency Comm no longer worships you.

  18. Jim Mathias bringing in so-called big gun Maryland Senate President Mike Miller - is comparative to Maykrantz bringing-in photos and trying to run on the coattail of big House Appropriations Chairman Norman Conway. And we all know what happened to Krantz, and, Norman Conway.

    Same is going to happen to Jim Mathias. No bird flies so high that he doesn't have to come down and roost.

  19. Only 18 comments?? You idiots just don't get it do you!! MORONS!!

  20. LOL~~~~~~


    How utterly tacky crass and
    vulgar but what else can ever be expected from a democrat after all they aren't exactly overflowing with class.
    A dignified well bred person would never have approved this tasteless invitation.
    If Mathias is paying Rice Consulting he should demand back his money. This makes him appear to be tawdry and lacking in the finer points of good breeding and taste.


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