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Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Rand Paul leaves Homeland Security Chief speechless, challenged on 4th amendment


  1. I know who I'm voting for in 2016.

  2. WE or he has put idiots in charge so he can control them. He does want the idiots to be intelligent , he wants to manipulate them into illegal activity . this is obvious in all the branches of government.

  3. Congress using its oversight power == wow what a concept, Why wasn't that a Democrat asking those civil rights based questions? Because they are Obama's lapdogs!

  4. Sorry Johnson - you're another example of the follies of Affirmative Action - starting with the POSOTUS!

  5. Did the guy hear himself?
    He was worried about "our ability to detect criminal activity" (NOT any BS about the Constitution).....with the unspoken warning that unless "we, the people" fully and without equivocation, submit to complete and utterly pervasive surveillance, they cannot "stop crime". Oh NO!!! Its the boogeyman!!
    In America, we USED to have to be at least SUSPECTED of a crime before the power of the police was brought to bear..
    Now, we are ALL suspects. First. Think about THAT for a second.
    At every level of government, but especially at the Federal level, the people elected and appointed to abide by and enforce the law are the very ones flaunting it, ignoring it, and VIOLATING it.
    Mention the Constitution today and the likely response is "tin foil hat conspiracy freak", or some snide snickering, as if someone still thinks that document has any power at all anymore.
    This is a sad time for freedom and liberty.
    Take hope, however, all you "goot ci-di-zens" --- just to set the mood, there will be a torchlight book burning at midnight, followed by a rampage through town to burn all the Jewish stores. There will be a book in which you may enter the names of your neighbors whom you believe aren't "patriotic" enough. Bring your own swastika.
    And, keep cheering!

  6. Obama Crooked Socialist BastardoMay 5, 2015 at 5:45 PM

    Go Rand Paul, keep grilling these Obana's Lap Dogs and hold t h eir feet to the fire. And Yes, Rand Paul was right when he said Obama could stop this Executive Order at any time .Well, He Could, but He Will Not. Ever wonder Why? Because Barry Likes It His Way, Regardless of ANY LAWS. WAKE UP SHEEPLE !!!


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