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Monday, May 04, 2015

Public comment on Wor. tax hikes, Tuesday

With budget requests from county departments and municipalities heard to the tune of $189.8 million balanced against $167.4 in revenue, the time has come to see what the public thinks about Worcester County government’s budgetary situation for the coming fiscal year.

The Worcester County Commissioners will hold a public hearing on the budget proposal on Tuesday, May 5 at 7 p.m. at Snow Hill Middle School.

The county has advertised a proposed tax rate increase of 15.7 cents to cover the approximately $22 million shortfall, but have expressed the desire to reduce that rate and keep fiscal 2016’s budget in line with the current year’s spending total of $178 million.

Several sources of funding available to the county commissioners are not included in the revenue numbers, including stabilization funds, corporate tax and railroad tax. State law mandates these sources not be included when publishing an announcement for a property tax increase. The notice is required whenever a county contemplates a tax increase above the constant yield rate, according to Kathy Whited, the county’s budget officer.



  1. all you need to know, and all you will ever know is they WILL make a tax on you go up if not create a new one...

    SO what is there to do or say? nothing bc you will still get a tax hike...

  2. They could also raise their piggy back payroll tax. In wicomico its 3. something percent and in Worcester its half that.

  3. Top 100 small towns taxes just went UP.

  4. State and government officials have to keep getting raises,you know cost of living increases.

  5. Whorecester county!

  6. 5:04 And coffee, breakfast, snacks, lunch, more snacks, dinner, dessert, drinks, etc. You know, what ALL companies give their employees....

  7. look....I'm as conservative as they come but there are a few things that must be considered. First, Obama has done such an outstanding job with the devaluation of our dollar, things just plain cost more. Everything is going up in price. Workers salaries must go up as well both in the public and private sector in order for those workers to be able to afford the basics. I don't think its the governments job to force the issue but increasing taxes to fund the basic necessary functions of government is unavoidable. What we the people must do diligently is watch where the money is being spent and raise hell about waste.

  8. Those council members will be toast!

  9. Just watch, a county of Monday morning quarterbacks will bi*** like crazy, but few will show up to speak


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