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Monday, May 11, 2015

Princess Anne Police Department Press Release 5-11-15 (Operation "Hang Up")

On April 30, 2015, the Princess Anne Police Department initiated operation “Hang Up”, a distracted driving enforcement initiative. This was in conjunction with NHTSA’s Distracted Driving Prevention Campaign for the month of April .

Along with the Maryland State Police Princess Anne Barrack “X”; and with the support and funding from the Maryland Highway Safety Office, this operation netted 21 Cell Phone violations and 3 miscellaneous violations in a 4 hour period. A total of 49 total violations were observed during this time frame. During this initiative officers were able to promote highway safety, as well as change behavior patterns through awareness and issuance of citations. It is through this initiative as well as similar initiatives that this agency continues the mission of the Maryland Highway Safety Office to work towards zero deaths on Maryland Highways.


  1. Good luck with that. Some big burley chick in a huge black suv could barely make the turn this morning with her head wedged to her shoulder holding on to her big old I phone.

    Hang up the freaking phone and drive idiot. Yer car actually has blue tooth. Take it back to the dealership and tell them to sync it for you since your pea brain could not figure it out.

    Selfish idiots.

  2. Must be idiot drivers in MD. Some of us live in states that have not banned cellphones and it is not a problem. If you get in an accident and are on the phone or texting, then you are charged with distracted driving. In MD you get charged even if you do not cause an accident or are reckless. Liberal nanny state!

  3. Will the police be pulling each other over for the same thing, or will it just be us?


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