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Monday, May 04, 2015

Police Union: Officers Not Responsible for Gray's Death

Baltimore's police union wants a special prosecutor in the Freddie Gray case, saying State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby has conflicts of interest because of her reported "personal connection" to the Gray family and her marriage to a city councilman.

In a stern letter released just minutes before Mosby announced charges against six officers in the troubling case, Gene Ryan, president of Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 3, declared none were responsible for Gray's April 19 death in a confrontation that been both "shocking and frightening to the public," the Baltimore Sun reports.

He said lost in the horror of Gray's death, and the rioting and looting it triggered, however, were the officers' own sorrow.

"Not one of the officers involved in this tragic situation left home in the morning with the anticipation that someone with whom they interacted would not go home that night," the letter states. "As tragic as this situation is, none of the officers involved are responsible for the death of Mr. Gray."

Ryan then ticked off the reason's Mosby should hand over the reigns of the investigation to a special prosecutor, noting "conflicts" that "include your personal and professional relations with Gray family attorney, William Murphy, and the lead prosecutor's connections with members of the local media."

More here


  1. So what the FOP is saying is; If I go and shoot someone in the face, but I was not thinking or planning or did not intend to do so after I left my home, then I should be not guilty? Yep that seems to be right...

  2. That's not what they are saying at all, 9:50. You are lacking in reading comprehension so you need to just stick to the opinions of legal experts instead of offering up your opinion. It makes it apparent you aren't the brightest bulb in the pack. Alan Dershowitz one of the most well respected lawyers in the legal community is saying the same thing. I think people would do best to listen to him instead of a nothing like yourself.

  3. 10:25 AM

    maybe you are the one with reading comprehension issues. And thinking as well since you can't form your own opinion until someone tells you what it is.


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