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Friday, May 15, 2015

Police Officers Threaten to Turn Their Backs on Obama at the D.C. Memorial Service

Obama is expected to speak at the National Peace Officers Memorial Service in Washington, D.C. this week, despite his many anti-police statements over the past year. And because of those statements, law enforcement officers are reportedly threatening to turn their backs on him at the service.

Law enforcement officers at Washington, D.C.’s annual Police Week tell The Daily Caller that the anti-police climate is taking its toll on the men and women in uniform and that morale is low in departments across the country.

One source told TheDC Monday night that officers have stepped back from engaging in proactive policing, because they often see the same violent criminals they arrest immediately released on to the streets.

President of the Fraternal Order of Police Chuck Canterbury told TheDC that he believes that a shortage of cops is the reason. “For the last six or eight years, proactive law enforcement has come to a stop because of shortage of personnel.”

Additionally, cops say that the fear of legal and political backlash, similar to what was seen in Ferguson, New York City and Baltimore, is hurting morale. One source at Police Week who also does part-time security work for private companies was astounded at how young some of the violent individuals were during the Baltimore riots.

… A law enforcement source told TheDC that some attendees are threatening to turn their backs on President Barack Obama at the annual National Peace Officers Memorial Service at the Capitol, where Obama is scheduled to deliver remarks. Obama made comments in the past that many in the police community found offensive.



  1. I pray they all do, he is the reason they are being shot. He is a traitor

  2. Join the club had my back turned since day one!@÷$@! this guy was shoved down our throats

  3. Good, he continues to throw them under the bus.

  4. FART on him at the same time

  5. He deserves nothing more!

  6. I for one, am standing up for all police officers everywhere. How many people do you know that will put their lives on the line to protect a citizen they don't even know? Except for firefighters, I don't know of anyone. These brave men and women deserve our respect and they deserve our heartfelt praise and thanks for being willing to do a most terrible, thankless, dangerous job each and everyday for people who treat them so rudely and disrespectfully.
    I want you all to know, that I appreciate your service and I thank you for being there for us.

  7. Anonymous said...
    I for one, am standing up for all police officers everywhere. How many people do you know that will put their lives on the line to protect a citizen they don't even know? Except for firefighters, I don't know of anyone. These brave men and women deserve our respect and they deserve our heartfelt praise and thanks for being willing to do a most terrible, thankless, dangerous job each and everyday for people who treat them so rudely and disrespectfully.
    I want you all to know, that I appreciate your service and I thank you for being there for us.

    May 16, 2015 at 7:23 PM

    Firefighters don't protect citizens they don't know...lmao!! They attempt to put out a house fire if they can. Has nothing with protecting a citizen they don't know, not even close. Paramedics treat patients they don't even know and firemen may carry the trauma bag or drug box for the paramedics. Firemen are pretty much as useless as tits on a boar hog.


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