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Saturday, May 23, 2015

Police Killing of Unarmed Native American Continues To Receive Little Media Attention

The tragic case of Corey Kanosh, 35, has received very little media attention, in spite of the growing outrage over police shootings of unarmed, innocent citizens. In Corey’s case, we are not dealing with an African American man shot by white cops, but an unarmed Native American man who was suspected of crimes that he was later proven innocent of, who was given only seconds before police opened fire on him.

Corey was a member of the Paiute Tribe of Utah. In spite of the historical injustices committed by the State against Native Americans, his story has received virtually no national attention. Now, his friends and family have been pushing to move the legal process forward, but so far they have only raised a tiny amount of money.

The hold up on progressing has been due to lack of money to fund the oh so dreaded legal process,” they explain. “We need your help.Please help us on our way to get this case back up and ready. It’s time to take on the unwilling non-cooperative Millard County Sheriffs Department.”

Corey was shot by a Millard County sheriff’s deputy after he was wrongly suspected of car theft.

Sheriff’s spokeswoman Lindsay Mitchell explained that a 911 call was made about the theft of a car from the Kanosh Paiute Indian Reservation. But Corey had nothing to do with that.

Watch the report in the video below…



  1. Innocent citizens? lol funny. Their assaultive actions never seem to be mentioned. Stop attacking, stop getting shot. pretty simple.

  2. 5:45PM
    Your arrogant mouth and rooster strut attitude sounds quite LE. Beware the reticle.

  3. so if a kop assaults me by placing his hands on me I can shoot the innocent kop?


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