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Monday, May 04, 2015

POLICE BRUTALITY - Cop Knocks Out California Model By Slamming Her Face Into The Ground

Unreal! Go Here


  1. If she wasn't resisting arrest, it would have never happened.

  2. So resisting arrest = knocked unconcious? Get back to us when a cop tries to search your car without a warrant... (obviously that's not what happened here but you get my point)

  3. Joe leave it alone. We've got to get through this Baltimore crap now!!

  4. No such thing as excessive force these days it seems. Any encounter with police...anything including death can happen and just because they have a tough job, all is ok.

  5. 12:52 No, it means ANYTHING can happen. WTF do people not get? Are they too stupid to just do what needs to be done to end the officers questions? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, it's that easy.

    inb4 Inclaim write an anti police poem for his sheeple.

  6. I can't wait for these cop loving ass bags who says dont do the crime or this wouldnt happen gets harrased by the same people they worship... Then what are you going to do? Suck on the cops other cheek instead????

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Joe leave it alone. We've got to get through this Baltimore crap now!!

    May 4, 2015 at 1:37 PM

    why don't you tell the KOPS to leave it alone?

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    If she wasn't resisting arrest, it would have never happened.

    May 4, 2015 at 12:43 PM

    she wasn't being arrested. she was in the jail. she wasn't resisting for that matter. watch the vid b4 opening ur mouth and inserting foot.

  9. maybe some of you will care about a pretty white girl since you don't care about black people.

  10. I've been stopped by cops several times for traffic violations and because I present myself as the high class individual that I am, they are very polite and do their job in a professional way.
    It's all in how you present yourself. You act like white trash and you are going to be treated as such.

    1. Outstanding reply. Gold star for best comment of the day.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I've been stopped by cops several times for traffic violations and because I present myself as the high class individual that I am, they are very polite and do their job in a professional way.
    It's all in how you present yourself. You act like white trash and you are going to be treated as such.

    May 4, 2015 at 4:51 PM

    so you're a class act but have been stopped multiple times? THUG! lol

    calling others white trash is classy also. maybe we should take obammys nobel prize and give it to you.


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