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Saturday, May 16, 2015

Pearl Harbor Declassified


  1. After carefully studying these documents it appears that the "Greatest Generation" was equally as naïve as the pre 9-11 geniuses.To begin with,imagine a Naval presence of that magnitude being placed on what some believe to be the most beautiful place on earth.Then imagine why the ships were concentrated in a "fishbowl".Any idiot could have flown within miles of Pearl& could have easily perceived our vulnerability.A large part of the subsequent outrage was to conceal the US stupidity of putting our military in harms way.AND,pre 12-7-41 the entire world knew that the US was at odds with Japan.

  2. All of these were messages from spies who worked for Japan but lived in strategic areas where ship and troop movement could be observed or picked up in conversations by people who didn't know they were giving information to the enemy.
    Loose Lips Sink Ships was a reality.


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