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Saturday, May 23, 2015

Online Thugs Start Disgusting Anti-White Event Being Called “Fight A White” Day

Although the media simply refuse to cover the plethora of stories, there has been a growing trend of young black thugs targeting white people for assaults and robberies.

You’ll never see Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson speak out against it, and the odds of the contemptible Attorney General Eric Holder prosecuting any of these hate crimes are awfully slim.

Thus, with a resounding silence from the media, so-called civil rights leaders and the government, the thugs targeting whites have become emboldened and are seeking to increase the frequencies of their attacks.

In fact, anti-white racists have gone online and created an “event” known as “Fight a White” Day, which openly encourages people of color people to literally go up to and deliberately start a fight with a white person.

While this may be reminiscent of scenes from the movie “Fight Club,” this isn’t a mere movie, and it certainly isn’t a joke.



  1. That's a good way to get shot.
    I'm sure that the white people getting picked for a fight will be the 'easy' fights --- 68 year old men, skinny nerds, etc..
    Did I mention the thing about getting shot?
    How about "Look at a Book" day?
    Ain't nobody getting shot there.
    Unless they kill themselves for not being able to find a book, or read one.

  2. Until we fire the first shot , it will continue. This will be the shot heard around the world.
    It's called "kill a black day".
    Better yet , just key the car , you know , the Cadillac or BMW or Lexus that they are behind at least 5 payments.
    Food stamps and car wax , yes sir , that will piss them off.
    Back to the good ole days of wine and roses , 4 roses that is.

  3. As a responsible senior citizen of Wicomico Cty I believe every White person here should arm themselves to be prepared for this up coming disaster.
    Don't be one of those who think it won't happen to Me. These Punks need to be shown that they can't just go around beating up on White people for the fun of it.
    It is time to get ready. I am simply too old for a beating !
    A Warning to the Punks, for your sake I hope you don't chose Me as your target.

  4. FYI- Eric Holder isn't attorney general anymore.

  5. So, as this article doesn't tell anyone what day it will be, we are just as well off as not being told about it at all.

    Thanks so much for nothing.

  6. If black lives matter, then why are the blacks undertaking a day that will surely end in death for numerous blacks and justifiably so????????????

  7. If you google "fight a white day" you'll see it's been an ongoing thing. I wonder how often these things end with a group of young people fighting at the mall or outside a club, etc.

  8. 4:17 We aren't ignorant savages, who deliberately target other races, especially the elderly or weak. I don't want my people to descend to that cowardly, brutish level. And keying a car is just wrong anyway, regardless. You don't know if that Escalade belongs to a good person (who just happens to be black) who is at work trying to make a living like decent people do, or just a common neighbor.

    4:37 Absolutely. We don't need to go around looking for trouble, but we owe it to ourselves, our families and our people, to be well prepared to defend ourselves from attacks by racist scum. They have "fired the first shot" many times over, but we cannot be provoked into a chaotic, anarchistic "race war". We must take the high road, avoid confrontations or contact if need be, and take pro-active measures to ensure our own security, especially within our own homes. Stand your ground!

    Never fire the first shot, only the last. Center body mass,

  9. I would like to add something to this post.
    Why in the hell don't you people wake up? It's gonna happen soon enough. We are going to have a race war ! Are the whites gonna start it I don't think so , the blacks have already started it.
    Pushing , pushing and pushing till it bursts.
    I sighted my ar15 in yesterday and my other arms , I have also taught my family to be good snipers with all my weapons .
    All I can tell you guys is be prepared. It's here now , just be part of the solution to this problem.

  10. Stop paying taxes and starve them out.

  11. The pathetic cowards rarely just randomly "fight a white", they know they could get their asses handed back to them blacker and blue than before. Or we might be carrying for self defense,

    They usually attack in packs, a whole mob surrounding the victim to ensure they have the advantage over us, So it's not really "fight a white" it's pure tribal savagery.


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