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Saturday, May 16, 2015

On Landmark Demolition, Property Owner: ‘It’s Sad To See Another Historic Building Get Torn Down, But The Times Move On’

OCEAN CITY — After two fires in the span of a little over a month this winter, the old Melvin’s Steakhouse and most recently de Lazy Lizard Brew Pub building was torn down on Wednesday.

On Feb. 10, a major fire occurred at the historic building on the corner of 1st Street and Philadelphia Avenue, injuring four, including two Ocean City firefighters, and displacing 13 residents who lived in the apartments on the upper levels. A little more than a month later, a second, smaller fire was reported at the vacant building.

Early Wednesday, crews began demolishing the old building with a pair of bulldozers that clawed away at the historic building. A couple of hours later, all that remained of the structure was a huge pile of wood, glass, concrete and other materials on the site that held memories for so many locals and visitors to the resort over the years.



  1. I call Bull $#!+... Gibbs wanted that turd demolished from the start.

  2. Two fires in six weeks? If at first you don't succeed, try again.

    Another corner block of tiny condos, coming right up!


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