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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Obama Rewards Rioters With $163 Million for ‘Community Organizing Jobs’

The Obama administration is announcing new plans to “improve police-community relations” and a big part of that will be to reward rioters with $163 million of your tax dollars to create fake “jobs” meant to “build community trust.”

Obama is traveling to Camden, New Jersey to unveil his new project and the hundreds of millions he intends to spend on it.

[Says Obama], “for too long, both jobs and hope have been hard to find. That sense of unfairness and powerlessness has helped to fuel the kind of unrest we’ve seen in Ferguson and Baltimore and New York and other cities across our country,” White House senior advisor Valerie Jarrett told reporters. “It has many causes, from a basic lack of opportunity to folks feeling unfairly targeted by the police.”



  1. How about jobs picking up trash? Cleaning up graffiti? Painting playground equipment?

    This is simply more welfare.

    How many "community organizing jobs" can there possibly be? And what's the criteria? If the community is still failing after a few years, do the "community organizers" lose their jobs? How many jobs will be offered to white people?

  2. I assume these 'jobs' are Acorn activists for the Dems in the months leading up to the 2016 election.

  3. Rewarding criminal behaviour - only this administration would do that!

  4. How about some jobs that clean up and repair damage done by the thugs? (On work release time of course).

  5. The money will be spent and nothing will change. More "free" money from the taxpayers going to the leaches.

  6. I hope he has supplied them with plenty of ammo , they are going to need every bullet.

  7. can they buy lucky numbers with that cash assistance


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