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Saturday, May 30, 2015

New Leadership


  1. What a joke...He broke the state of Maryland!!! Another politician = liar!! Send him to Baltimore's west side as a police officer, let him work on his campaign there!

  2. Made his announcement in Baltimore, the murder capitol of the USofA that he created. We really need him to make Obama look not quite as bad as he is.

  3. Hopefully, the upcoming exposure of his record -- something the Baltimore Sun and Washington Post have simply and continuously disguised with fiction and flattery, will be the end of this buffoon's political aspirations, and he won't be able to get a seat in congress in a future election after 2016.

  4. He is one narcissistic fool. His ego would fill the universe.

  5. But like so many blind dumbass people in Maryland they will vote for this jackass

  6. When will he final realize we wish he would just go away. For hogan to win in a 2-1 democratic state speaks volumes with what the voters are feeling.

  7. Listen America, there is a reason Marylander's in the know spell his name Owe-Mally.

  8. Running for a job with Hillary.

  9. With his picture, the title should be No Leadership!


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