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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Nancy Gordeuk: Georgia school principal who delivered racist outburst is fired

The Georgia principal who caused national outrage for a racist outburst she made during a graduation ceremony has been fired less than a week after footage her comments went viral.

Dr Heidi Anderson, chair of the board of directors at TNT Academy, said it voted to dismiss principal Nancy Gordeuk after a racist outburst at the school’s graduation, WXIA reported. The board sent a letter sent to the Gwinnett County NAACP.

“In light of recent events, the board of directors of TNT Academy has moved to dismiss Nancy Gordeuk as principal,” it said.



  1. So much for FREE SPEECH.

    Mean thing to say maybe but not a firing offense.

  2. She had to go. It would have been impossible for her to continue in that role and be productive.

  3. Pretty much saw that one coming.

  4. She's an idiot and racist. Good riddance.

  5. She still has free Speech...she wasn't arrested...lol

  6. Had it been the other way around, nothing would have been done except to offer up multiply excuses for behavior (ie. no father figure at home, no jobs, no opportunities, etc. etc. etc.)

  7. TRUTH HURTS! !!

  8. Wasn't she just noticing out loud what was actually happening in front of all, and it just git mikes, is all?

    Stating the truth is now a fire-able offense? REALLY?

  9. Anonymous Steve said...
    Wasn't she just noticing out loud what was actually happening in front of all, and it just git mikes, is all?

    Stating the truth is now a fire-able offense? REALLY?

    May 14, 2015 at 9:40 PM

    Correct! What a shame. White people are so quick to criticize or throw their own kind other the bus, but totally ignore when blacks commit the same offenses.

  10. I wasn't offended by anything she said! All I heard her say was black people were leaving and they were. They were also cutting up and disturbing the event.

    She is just a typical white scapegoat like the 6 police officers in Baltimore.

  11. SNL has put this to music.I hope they air it because it's hilarious.


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