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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Messianic Rabbi’s Warning To America Goes Viral

Celebrated speaker and New York Times bestselling author of The Harbinger and The Mystery of the Shemitah Jonathan Cahn issued a warning to the nation last week from the heart of the U.S. Capitol building. Video of Cahn’s short remarks has already been viewed over 5 million times online.

Cahn, speaking at the annual “Washington: Man of Prayer” event on April 29, delivered a message in the vein of Israel’s ancient prophet Jeremiah about what he believes the future of the nation holds, short of a major course correction.

Quoting the prophet, he asked, “Has a nation ever exchanged its gods? Yet my nation has exchanged their glory for that which cannot help them.”

To the members of Congress and others gathered in the Capitol’s famed Statuary Hall, he first made the case that the United States was dedicated to God by the Founders.

Cahn pointed out that the very date they were meeting was the anniversary of the first settlers planting a cross at Cape Henry, Virginia, and dedicating the nation to God on April 29, 1607.



  1. I am so glad to have read this.so true.

  2. Two hands working together are more productive than 1 million hands clasped in prayer.

    This is especially true if you believe in a deity that is all knowing and it has a plan. All the praying in the world that you can do cannot affect this plan or change its course as that plan was set millions of years before you utter those words in prayer.

    Praying is a waste of time stop doing it and start moving, start actually doing. Prayer is an activity that fool you into thinking that you were doing something when in fact you are not. The only way to accomplish anything is by actually doing something.

    I've had Christians tell me that God doesn't interfere or change or do anything because he wants a man to do it for himself. If this is true stop praying and start doing.

    No matter what stop wasting time and start getting up and actively doing something to change the world.


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