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Friday, May 22, 2015

Memorial Day Weekend 2015

As a slight fog rolls over the water early this morning I can't help but think of just how fortunate we all are. How lucky are we to live in the most beautiful place on earth, the Eastern Shore. 

I can easily recall all the sirens throughout the night in New York City. The incredible traffic of the Washington Beltway. This morning, nothing but song birds, roosters crowing and fish jumping in the water.

The peace we so enjoy, the voice we are so fortunate to have here on this Website are all because millions of hero's sacrificed their lives to give us such peace and freedoms. 

Certainly enjoy this Holiday Weekend but please take the time on Monday to remember all of the people who helped make all this beauty happen. 


  1. Amen! Love your freedom? Thank a veteran!

  2. It is most beautiful !

  3. Thank you veterans, everywhere.

  4. Just a reminder Memorial Day is not for veterans. That is what Veterans Day is for. Memorial Day is to honor and remember those military members who have died while protecting and serving this country.

  5. Beautifully put and beautiful picture thank you for this and thank you Veterans for the freedom you gave us and are still giving us each and every day. God Bless you and your families.

  6. no one has fought for our 'freedoms' since ww11 and even that was staged for the war profiteers. they don't want hero's, they just want bullets wearing costumes. and yes, I served.

  7. veterans did not give us our freedoms, except those fighting men from the 1700's. we got our freedom from britain but have been slaves ever since.


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