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Friday, May 29, 2015

McDonald’s is Losing So Much Money it Stopped Telling Us How Much

Fast food giant loses 11 months straight

Over the past year, I’ve shared with you the continued decline of America’s most popular fast food giant. We’ve talked about the mass closing of McDonald’s locations, the attempts by the company to trick customers into thinking that it was ‘going natural,’ and we’ve even talked about how some economists predict an ultimate demise.

And now, as people continue to choose real food instead of plastic-filled junk, McDonald’s has publicly declared an answer: it will completely stop telling us how much it loses in profits each month. Quite an amazing solution, huh?

As Bloomberg reports in an article entitled “McDonald’s to Stop Reporting Monthly Same-Store Sales Data,” the move has come after 11 straight months of declining sales. Specifically, the fast food titan has even been forced to close more than 700 stores. Meanwhile, the sales of organic food continue to boom. It’s part of the new health paradigm that millions around the world continue to adapt — a system in which real, organic food reigns supreme.

And there’s no place for McDonald’s food in this paradigm, as we have seen by so many individuals around the world rejecting the chain at astounding rates. As Slate reports:



  1. Wait until the $15 minimum wage really takes effect. There will be no more McDonald's in a few years.

  2. They closed south Salisbury McDonald's,soon Salisbury university will take it and maybe even the vacant Italian restaurant next to it


  3. Didn't click through but flat or declining same store sales is not the same as having a loss.

    Granted, investors like to see improvement in total sales, total profit and increased profit percent, with a special interest in results from units opened more than a year ago.

    But lower results is not the same as a loss. If the pattern persists that might be the result.

  4. McDonald french fries make my car stink!

  5. McDonald's South only waited on Blacks first. No matter who was in line first. Glad to see them out. Burger King North just changed most all personnel. I could never get a menu priced meal, they would always auto supersize it. I got tired of arguing over it at the drive up window and stopped going there as well.

  6. 3:37
    Your supposed to eat the fries, not hand them from the mirror in your car

  7. I am not surprised about McDonalds. Their food is disgusting. First you have to find the meat (I guess) on the sandwich. They raised their prices and gave you less. Just tried one of their new sirloin burgers thinking I was getting a real hamburger this week and that was the most disgusting hamburger I have ate in a long time. They brought it on their selves if they fall. A lot of restaurants and fast foods are pricing their own selves out of business.

  8. Went to burger King bought 2 chicken sandwiches and 2 fries 2 drinks. $18.00!!! TOLD THEM BYE.


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