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Monday, May 04, 2015

Maryland Law Changes Gun Buying Habits

In the wake of the Sandy Hook mass shooting, Maryland lawmakers passed the Firearm Safety Act of 2013 that made it harder for people to buy handguns and banned the sale of 45 shotguns, rifles and semi-automatic rifles. Two years later, it's clear that the law had a dramatic impact on gun purchases in Maryland.

A Rush to Buy Before the Law

Immediately before the law took effect in October, there was a spike in background checks as buyers rushed to purchase guns (like semi-automatic AK-47s) that would be banned under the law or avoid new licensing requirements for purchase of a handgun.

The low levels in October 2013 and onward reflect two realities: the law made it more onerous to purchase handguns and it banned 45 guns that previously required a regulated firearms application to purchase.



  1. Time to recind that law..its unconstitutional

  2. Time to rescind ALL firearms laws. ANY restriction is unconstitutional.

  3. The one good thing it did was allow me to buy a more powerful gun a 308 and now rather then having to wait 7-10 days it is now over the counter. So if all this was really about safety why can I now buy a more power full gun than a 223 and now its over the counter with no wait. That's how democrats work.

  4. When is our REPUBLICAN gov give us our gun rights back ?

  5. Anon 2:11 PM - depending on the classification of the weapon will determine whether or not you can buy over the counter or buy tickets to the circus. If it is an "Assault Style Rifle" then it falls under the 7 day waiting period ONCE you have an HQL and all that the HQL does for you is to tell the gun seller that you've already been cleared to purchase a handgun or one of the ones that are on the list. They still have to pay $10 for another "quick" check through the MSP so it is a money game in essence.

    I just went through the whole HQL process and it took a month to get it.

  6. The more hoops they make us jump through to make us give up on our rights, the more evident the need to fight for them.

  7. Only took me one day...I moved to another state.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Time to rescind ALL firearms laws. ANY restriction is unconstitutional.

    May 4, 2015 at 2:03 PM

    that's right

  9. The HQL has nothing to do with rifles . It is for hand guns only. There are no restricted rifles any longer requiring a 7-10 day wait. They are either banned or not banned. You do not need an HQL to buy an assault 308. Take a look at the HK MR762, LWRC repr or the LMT 308. All are not over the counter but were once 7-10 day wait restricted guns.

  10. Come on down to Virginia, not Eastern Shore Virginia, but mainland Virginia. You can go to just about any Yard or Garage sale and get guns. I love it here, it is so much nicer than Slimsbury!

  11. The stats are skewed.., sales that were once counted and owners logged are now underground.

  12. It shows the stupidity of our elected dumbocrats when they do not understand the words "shall not be infringed upon" unless it refers to some miniscule group of the population who have had their 'feelings' hurt!


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