Over the last few months the left has been pushing a gay marriage study that claimed that political persuasion was changing people’s minds about gay marriage and smoothing its way to legality. But it turns out that not only did this guy lie about his “research,” he even lied about the funding he supposedly got to conduct the study.
The study was published in Science magazine last December. But this month it was thoroughly debunked. But now we find that the man who wrote the faux study even lied about his funding.
In fact, according to The New Yorker, LaCour received no funding at all for the study — which was published last December in Science magazine and discredited earlier this week — into whether views on same-sex marriage change due to interaction with gay individuals.
“He didn’t have any grants coming to him. He had a small one that he didn’t accept,” Donald Green, the co-author of the retracted study and a political science professor at Columbia University, told The New Yorker about the study that claimed respondents started to accept same-sex marriage after positive interactions with gay people.
So according to his theory, if I'm friends with Democrats, I will come to agree with their choices? I don't think so!