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Monday, May 04, 2015


JOE- once again Laura Mitchells two big feet are in her mouth. She has tried to table 5/4/15 meeting to stop over occupancy, in Jake Day's absence and work against home owners and side with over occupancy renters. Wish she had all the ones who are over the legal number living next to her, keeping her up all nite and in the very wee hours of dawn pulling out of parking lots (back yards) like living next to a bus terminal, and honking horns from vehicles coming to take these people to work, who are never ready for work, and the drivers return and return for them honking horns. Move in town Laura I can make some suggestions where you might want to park yourself. I hope you never win another election, and you should have never gotten elected in the first place. Stories of your drug use has been printed before on this web site, maybe we need to keep that always foremost in mind when city elections are coming up. Better yet move to Baltimore you'd fit in better there.



  1. Look at her ties... follow the money and kickbacks. And don't think, for a minute, that "your guy" is any different. They ALL get greased and side with their "donor".

  2. what School evacuated because of gas leak? heard it on 16 but didn't catch name of school

  3. 9:53 - agree with you completely. Love your very last sentence, so true!

  4. Laura does live in town, otherwise she wouldn't be able to serve on the CITY council. She lives in an apartment complex, so she is used to the traffic and noise. Her pulling this off the agenda though, is a bs move.

  5. She is a Ghetto Rat period

  6. Must be moving her drug addict son inagain,here comes the meth.


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