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Monday, May 18, 2015

JUST IN:Supreme Court rules Maryland income tax law is unconstitutional

A divided Supreme Court said Monday that Maryland’s income tax law is unconstitutional because it does not provide a full tax credit to residents for money earned outside the state, a ruling likely to cost Maryland counties and localities across the country millions of dollars in revenue.

The court voted 5-4 to affirm a 2013 Maryland Court of Appeals decision that the state’s practice of withholding a credit on the county segment of the state income tax violated the Commerce Clause because it might discourage individuals from doing business across state lines.

In most states, income from outside is taxed both where the money is made and where taxpayers live. To guard against double taxation, states usually give residents a full credit for income taxes paid on out-of-state earnings.



  1. I knew it was unconstitutional a long time ago, this state is so crooked it's pathetic.

  2. Don't be worried about the budget shortfall....the State Police are already drawing up plans for several new military-style "campaigns" against the citizens, which should rake in MILLIONS.
    Can't tax 'em? Fine them. Add some surcharges to everything, and some penalties while you're at it. Don't forget to dream up some new "fees", too. Have they taxed the sunshine on your land yet?
    You KNOW that's coming.
    Keep cheering.

  3. Your hatred for the police shows. The state police do not write the laws. The state police to not set the fines. The state police simply enforce what they are told to enforce. Many do not agree with a number of the laws that are on the books, but just as in other jobs, the road guys have to obey what the supervisors order them to do. The political arm of the state police is in the Superintendent's office. It all flows down hill from there. Blame the road guys all you want, but they are not the ones you need to get through to for a change to take effect.

    1. True. However these ridiculous laws, fees, taxes, surcharges etc wouldn't matter if they weren't enforced. Please don't clap for someone "doing their job," the friggin' Nazis were just following orders as well.

  4. There's no secret movement to undermine the State Police. There are those that question why MD has so MANY police departments, each with their own internal management such as HR and so on. To a citizen, a cop is a cop. We don't care what colors they paint their cars or their clothing. DE has done this for years. Maryland, on the other hand has continued to defend overlap.It's all bullcrap!

  5. One of the attorneys working for Maryland on that case was Brian Oliner. He is a disgrace to the profession.

  6. So, what's the next step?


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