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Sunday, May 24, 2015

JUST IN: Waco police: Several killed in biker gangs' shootout

WACO, Texas -- Police said at least nine people were dead and others wounded after gunfire erupted between rival biker gangs at a Central Texas restaurant.

Waco police Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton told CBS affiliate KWTX the shooting began shortly after noon Sunday at the Twin Peaks restaurant, located in the Central Texas Market Place on Interstate 35.

KWTX reported eight people were killed at the restaurant and one other person died at a hospital, according Swanton.



  1. Their violent acts are disgraceful and disappointing, and too reminiscent of ghetto behavior. We are better than that.

  2. Wait unitl the black bikers come to my home town OC? lol

  3. No, we are not better than that! Hundreds of thousands and really many many more humans are not better than that.

  4. @ 7:47 huh??? better than what??? Better than a murderer or better than a victim????

  5. Since last night 1 murder 1 stabbing 1 rape and this just in another stabbing great job clueless mayor and police chief.

    1. It is near impossible to predict crime BEFORE it happens. How would you to stop a murder, stabbing and rape from happening? What would be your suggestion to the Mayor
      and Police Chief to prevent these type of crimes, made by thugs? One idea is to keep thugs off the street, but police have only the authority to make arrest. The thugs have more rights than the victims thanks to the government and their laws

    2. Who has more rights? You got the wrong play book officer!

  6. Cancel bike week!

  7. Whoa! Not all bikers act like that. Hell those bad ass guys don't even act like that. I've seen some around lately and they're nice as can be.

  8. Maybe , Just maybe we could send them to Baltimore or Ferguson to control the animals.

  9. These animals need to be dealt with. America has a place for these thugs and psychopaths. The cemetery

  10. 6:20 AM - Seems that THESE are the animals that need controlling.

  11. I seen the Pagans at a couple of places and they seemed cool. No fighting and were decent to people. I think maybe people give them a bad reputation.

    1. I have as well in Salisbury. Very nice people. Work have families just like us. They did tell me they will fight if needed but that's the old way. They deem to all agree that they already have a target on their backs. No need for trouble. This is rare for bikers to go at it like this. Cops need to focus on ghettos.

  12. 7:59 they traffick in meth and human traficking. Other then that they are cool. Dude they are the same as the Bloods and Crips white does not make it right. All gangs are domestic terrorist.

    1. Not true . I saw one biker get yelled at and his vest taken away and almost beaten over drug use. They don't like it. I couldn't believe what I saw. They're nothing like the stereotype they've received. I'm glad to see them around here. Hell even the black guys act better around them.

  13. One day people will learn not to stereotype...There are bad people in every group around. Just like in every other bad situation ...Ferguson, Baltimore and every other situation you can think of. Most bikers that you come across are cool, law abiding citizens that contribute so much to worthy causes but it still boils down to criminals giving the good groups a bad name. Perhaps it's easier to relate now...

  14. These people ar thugs. There is no difference between theses thugs and the ones that rioted in Baltimore and Ferguson. There is no thought process to this. no difference

  15. Red flags are useless.Try arresting someone before an act has been committed.I like Fox news,but they are wrong.That's like arresting someone because they look suspicious.Even prior convictions don't legally justify arrests without a reason.

  16. The mentality of these so-called "outlaw gangs" is tantamount to the brain power of those idiots in Baltimore.
    Personally, I find the concept of dressing in the exact same "costume", riding bikes with the fellas and trying to be outlaws, a bit childish and immature to say the least.
    Obviously so do many woman - unless you're morbidly obese, not at all attractive, and lack any type of self esteem.

  17. Hate to brake the bad news but all the bikers that where shot where shot by SWAT team. So once again the THUGS where the cops. Welcome to the police state .

  18. 5:20 PM

    do you really think anyone cares about what you think?

  19. If it had been a black biker gang, and the SWAT police had shot 9 of them dead, Sharpton would already be on route, and the media circus would have begun nailing down the tents.

    Either there is a genuine "problem" with police killing of citizens,,,or there isn't,


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