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Monday, May 18, 2015

Just How Many More Generations Will Have To Face This Question?


  1. I could careless if they want to blame me for slavery. They can blame me all day long for anything they want.
    And in the meantime while they are wallowing around in their cess pools of crime and poverty BECAUSE they play the blame game and perpetual victim game, I have a very nice life because I refuse to be a victim to anything.

  2. The question needs to be spun to reflect the positive outcome of slavery. There needs to be reeducation as to the opportunities that these people have now, because of slavery. Without slavery, these people would still be in Africa, starving, eating bugs, drinking polluted water, no nice place to live, no medical help. Remind them also, that America is the country that many people seek to immigrate to for the freedoms we have and the life we have. It is said to be one of the greatest country's in the world.

  3. If you research history it was the African's who sold their own people into slavery to send to this country. The African American population has always blamed all of their misfortunes on somebody else. News Flash; SLAVERY WAS ABOLISHED, it doesn't exist anymore. All of your lack of accomplishment and your attitude of entitlement is your biggest problem. Stop blaming everyone else for your laziness and your poor morality and attitude.

  4. Old school slavery is the modern day equivalent to welfare.

  5. African tribes along the west coast of Africa went to the interior and captured people from different tribes for slaves and then saw a european market for their commodity. So go collect reparations from the coastal tribes of Africa for I and my ancesters had no part or dealings with slavery!

  6. As long as a caucasian lives it will be their fault. Hey, we gotta blame our pee poor decisions on somebody as we are not responsible for our own actions.

  7. Right 3:03. ZERO concept of personal responsibility w/some in that race.

  8. Ask this question: Who sold 'em to the slave traders?? Maybe they all need to go back to Africa and seek reparations from the families of the slave traders. Start this argument at the initial point not at the end point.

  9. Hear is a news flash for the lovers of obama. He is keeping you as slaves by the sheer fact of keeping you indebted to the man (the government) for all your wants. Most of you just don't get it, by keeping you indebted to government, it is a form of slavery, of personal control over you. HE is laughing at your race and you fall for it hook line and sinker. He has taken you over, he has taken your desire for a better, independent life, for responsibility, for a job, a home, a real family. He controls you. Keep voting for the man, keep voting for someone who won't let you do anything for yourself, and watch as your freedoms are removed from you and your life is that only the streets offer you. You need to start thinking for yourselves and start listening,and reading for the actual true facts. Then and only then will you forever be out of slavery.

  10. Can also blame the european traders for bring slaves here...sue them...riot over there, burn their stuff down

  11. Well your ancestors never paid for their crimes and left you to foot the bill!!!!!

  12. Don't worry about how many blue eyed generations will be blamed for slavery.. don't worry about the ancestors of the blue eyed race.. Why?? The Blue eyed race won't exist in the future of America.. how many of you precious republicans have grandchildren that are fathered by a different race aka a different party?? Look around... Witness history repeat.. Australia witnessed the same fate at the hands of the Europeans..!!!


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