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Thursday, May 14, 2015

It's About Time

The House unanimously passes a bill to make police death benefits tax-free. Families of fallen law enforcement officers wouldn't have to pay federal income tax on federal or state benefits. Rep. Erik Paulsen (R-Minn.) introduced the bill. The House passed it on a vote of 413-0. Several organizations and unions support the bill, including the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association and the National Association of Police Organizations. Sens. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) sponsored a similar bill that has bipartisan support.


  1. More perks to the job that normal people don't get. Or state or county employees for that matter.

  2. waa! I think most government employees have perks those of us in the private sector don't get. If you don't like sucking off the taxpayer teet then come join us and see how you like it when you actually have to produce something!

  3. I'm about tired of paying for
    benefits----let them know how
    the majority of the world lives!

  4. Yet another enticement 'Easter Egg' for LE to bow and pledge homage and obedience to the fascists seeking to destroy the democratic republic of the United States of America.
    "Stand behind us and you will have power and money and security for you and your family". "Help us to enslave the masses and you will be risen to demigods, nearly our equal".
    Do ya get it yet, folks?

  5. Wife gets his pension too. Even if not fully vested, she gets a small check forever when she is 55.

  6. How about death benefits for the people killed by cops? Imagine that happening- it never will.


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