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Monday, May 11, 2015

ISIS Sets ‘Honey Traps’ to Ensnare and Execute Homosexuals

In its crusade against homosexuals, the Islamic State is now resorting to sting operations, using jihadists posing as gay men to coax out offenders and execute them.

According to reports, a special unit of militia has been formed within ISIS to deal specifically with the eradication of homosexuals from Syria, Iraq and Libya. One method employed is for militiamen of the Caliphate to send anonymous invitations for blind dates for men only; those who respond are summarily executed.

According to dissident groups working in the area, ISIS religious police have also begun pretending to be gay men in order to ferret others out, before arresting and executing them.

The ISIS regime views sodomy as the most deplorable practice, one punishable by death.



  1. think we can entice isis to come to sodombury?

  2. They'd have a field day at jimmy's. I heard they are coming to the next pride day.

  3. Are you listening you clowns in DC pushing for GAY rights?

  4. Yet Isis has so many homosexual stories from within the ranks. Its unreal. Look up the stories. You'd swear they're all queer.

  5. Our gay mayor better rethink any future overseas trips!! At least he would finally know what many think of his perverted lifestyle.

  6. Good thing they are LESS THAN 1%!! There won't be too many murders to worry about from ISIS.

  7. These comments are disgusting. Killing gay people is a joke? God is just as disappointed with your judgments as he is with anyone else's sins.
    A straight person responding to such invitations is just as much a sinner. I wonder how many of you do not have your own sexual sins!
    Replace your judgment with genuine prayer and love.


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