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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Health Tax Passed Along to the States

There’s more than a touch of absurdity in the way an industry fee in President Barack Obama’s health care law is being passed along to state taxpayers.

As Alice in Wonderland might say, a curious tax just got curiouser. The burden to states could mount to $13 billion in less than a decade.

The Health Insurance Providers Fee was aimed at insurance companies. The thinking went: Because insurers would gain a windfall of customers, they ought to help pay for the expansion of coverage. Insurers say they have raised prices for individuals and small businesses to cover the new tax.

As it turns out, they are raising their prices to state Medicaid programs, too.

The federal government issued guidance in October requiring states to build the tax into what they pay for-profit Medicaid health plans that serve low-income people. The first year’s tax was due to the IRS in September, and state governments are now settling up with insurance companies.

It works like this: State governments pay insurers for the tax. The insurers then pay the tax to the federal government. The federal government then reimburses part of the cost to the states.



  1. Aaand we're wondering why we're always broke!

  2. It was all in Obama's plan. Remember they said that Obamacare was passed because of the ignorance of the American voter. How true. But, most Obama voters didn't worry about it anyway because they already live off the Government.

  3. Term limits for all politicians !!!!!!

  4. Taxes on my business doubled the last two years.


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