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Sunday, May 24, 2015

General Who Spoke of God Should Be Court-martialed, Group Says

An Air Force two-star general is being blasted by a civil liberties group for speaking in uniform about how God has guided his career.

Video posted on YouTube shows Maj. Gen. Craig Olson speaking at a National Day of Prayer Task Force event May 7. In the speech, Olson refers to himself as a "redeemed believer in Christ," who credits God for his accomplishments in the Air Force.

The Military Religious Freedom Foundation has called for Olson to be "aggressively and very visibly brought to justice for his unforgivable crimes and transgressions" by a court-martial, adding that any other service members who helped him should be investigated and punished "to the full extent of military law."

Olson is program executive officer for C3I and Networks at Hanscom Air Force Base, Massachusetts. In this position, he is responsible for more than 2,200 personnel and acquisition execution of a $10.9 billion portfolio developing, deploying and sustaining Air Force, joint and coalition cyberspace, networks, cryptologic and data link systems to enable decisive combat operations.

During his 23-minute address, Olsen spoke of "flying complex aircraft; doing complex nuclear missions — I have no ability to do that. God enabled me to do that. He put me in charge of failing programs worth billions of dollars. I have no ability to do that, no training to do that. God did that."

Mikey Weinstein, CEO of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, has sent a blistering letter to Chief of Staff Gen, Mark Welsh, arguing that Olson's comments violate an Air Force instruction, which prohibits airmen from endorsing a particular faith or belief.

"Olson's highly publicized, sectarian speech is nothing less than a brutal disgrace to the very uniform he was wearing and the solemn oath he took to support and defend the United States Constitution," Weinstein writes. "This public address was his, and the USAF's, 'contribution' to this scathingly sectarian 2015 version of the [task force's] annual shame spectacle and display of Christian supremacy and exceptionalism held in the Cannon House Office Building on Capitol Hill."

More here


  1. I LOVE MY GOD. Thank you sir.

  2. 20 -30 years ago the top military leaders always spoke of their profound belief in GOD.

  3. When you believe, everything works differently.

    Those crying foul are jealous for that. Things don't work for them!

  4. It used to be God & Country now Obama and the other commies have made it all about the Supreme Leader = Obama & The peoples republic of China/USA!

  5. I can't believe this is happening . Have these
    people gone mad!!

    Our fore-fathers must be
    turning over in their graves!

  6. the Bible states that in the "last days" the Heathen will rage. they hate God and don't want to hear anything about Him and certainly don't want to hear anyone reference Him in speech.

    I honor this man.

  7. I think it's time to start shooting this civil liberty groups who are traitors. Thank you for your service General!!

  8. 1 rape 1 murder 1 bank robbery 1 police chef handing out Pizza.

  9. Things like this make me sick. I think that we (as a society) are experiencing the issues we are having because of the lack of faith or morales in anything. Regardless if you are a christian or believe if flying pandas, people need to have a foundation to guide them. Free speech exists for a reason, and if that is what this man believes, then bygod let him be. He isn't hurting a soul. Get a life "Mikey"....

  10. But, shouting "Allah Ackbar" and opening fire in the cafeteria line at the military base is small compared to this! How many years have these victims gone without justice?

  11. There is a disgusting cancer among us and it's name is 'liberalism'. Anyone with eyes and ears must surely notice the degenerate quality in the ideals spawned and spread by these liberals. It has driven this once great nation to the brink of collapse. One needs only to look at 'da Bury' to see the atrophy and decline liberals have created.

  12. 6:51 You hit the nail on the head!

  13. Those wanting a court martial should be immediately rounded up, with no type of judicial proceeding, and executed by firing squad. Guarantee you that at least one of the executed will pray!!

  14. Every knee WILL bow

  15. "Many who seek God at the 11th hour, Die at 10:30"

  16. 10:03 YOU hit the nail on the head!


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