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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Gallup: Americans Overestimate Gay Population 6-Fold

(CNSNews) - Americans believe that there are six times as many gays and lesbians in the population as there actually are, according to new data released by Gallup.

According to Gallup’s tracking surveys in the first four of 2015, 3.8 percent of the U.S. adult population says they are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.

However, in a survey conducted May 6-10, Gallup asked: “Just your best guess, what percent of Americans today would you say are gay or lesbian?"

On average, Americans said it was 23.2 percent.

Only 9 percent said they thought it was less than 5 percent—the most accurate possible answer in the Gallup survey.

The Gallup survey also showed that the younger an American adult was the more likely he or she was to estimate a higher percentage of gays in the population. People 65 and older, on average, estimated that 20 percent of the population was gay, and people 18 to 29 estimated that 28 percent of the population was gay.



  1. It is more like 10%.

  2. Watching TV and movies anymore you would think it was 20-30%. I used to not really think about gays and was tolerant of them. Now I've gotten so sick of their lifestyle being shoved in my face by all types of media that I have begun to become intolerant of them.

  3. Then there is the number in Hollywood, 50%.

  4. California is 50 %
    Salisbury, Maryland is 85 %

  5. The article is a good example of media brainwashing. The youth are completely deceived.

  6. The Progressive movement is using Gays to advance their political and social agenda.

  7. Regardless, it's too many!

  8. I've heard that it's around .8%. Walking around my county, I'd say that's about right. No more than 4%, though...

    Of course, watching media it looks like 1/3 as loud and obnoxious as they are!

  9. I didn't realize it was that low. I thought it was at least around 15%.


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