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Saturday, May 23, 2015

Father to marry adoptive son, with the court’s blessing!

Well, at first I thought this was a whole new level of debauchery, but not so much. 20 years ago, it was common for gay couples to use adoption as a ruse for estate planning and insurance. These two men in Pennsylvania, took advantage of this sanctioned loophole. Now that gay marriage is legal in that state, they had to get a court to annul their adoptive proceedings so they were no longer seen as father and son in the eyes of the state, but just as two men who wanted to get married. That’s exactly what happened and now that the once helpful maneuver has been done away with, they will tie the knot this summer.

The Pandora’s box of same-sex marriage has just released a new pairing unimaginable a few short years ago.

Norman MacArthur and Bill Novak, father and son, though not biologically, will soon be husband and … whatever, reports the Patch of Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

The pair, both in their 70s, have been together for 50 years and registered in New York City as domestic partners in 1994. But when they moved to Pennsylvania, they discovered their domestic partnership wasn’t recognized, and legalized same-sex marriage was nowhere on the horizon.

Needing to take care of estate-planning issues, the pair pursued a novel legal approach. Novak adopted MacArthur in 2000. The fact their parents were deceased removed any legal objection.

“It was the only legal method we could use in Pennsylvania to give underpinning to our relationship,” MacArthur said.



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