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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Family Of Baltimore Teen Accused Of Smashing Police Cruiser Says Bail Unfair

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — You saw the unforgettable images live on WJZ during the riots outside of Camden Yards. A Baltimore City teenager accused of smashing the windows of police cars is now out of jail.

Jessica Kartalija with why his family says his $500,000 bail was set way too high.

The family’s attorney says the 18-year-old’s bail–set at twice the amount of the officers charged with killing Freddie Gray–is unfair.

Allen Bullock sees footage on the news and goes to police two days later.

Kartalija: “Allen, what made you come forward and turn yourself in?”

Bullock: “I had to make an appeal visit anyway.”



  1. Life isn't Fair !!

  2. I thought it stupid as well...

  3. "An appeal visit"? From a previous sentence? So, he's been convicted awaiting jail terms, and he's out rioting in the mean time?

    Just asking what this means...

  4. Do they forget, it's not just the crime that determines the bail. It's also the likelihood that the suspect will flee. The police all have family in the area as well as their jobs. Plus they are unlikely to be convicted. This young man is still living with his parent, has previous cases against him, and most likely no job. Why would he stick around to be convicted of something he was caught doing on national television?

  5. True. But at the same time, the bail set for some of the vicious thugs caught after brutally beating innocent whites, has been shockingly low, especially for known repeat offenders.

  6. you cant fix stupid.


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