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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Employees Are Fleeing The Clinton Foundation Because Chelsea Is So Awful, Report Says

Employees are fleeing the Clinton Foundation because Chelsea Clinton is so disagreeable to work with, a new report in Page Six alleges. An insider claims her personality is causing “extremely high turnover” and turning the nonprofit into a “bloated slush fund.”

“A lot of people left because she was there. A lot of people left because she didn’t want them there,” the anonymous source said. “She is very difficult.”

The 35-year-old daughter of Bill and Hillary came on board as vice chairman in 2011, and since then several senior level staffers have left.



  1. Nut doesn't fall far from the trees!

  2. Like mother, like daughter! The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. Surprised she is still married or she even reproduced!

  3. Is it really that surprising? It's typical behavior when somebody demands respect instead of earning it.

  4. Just a spoiled politicians child, what could she possibly know about running a business or charitable foundation.... as much as I do about running a nuclear submarine!

  5. She's 35? Where did the time go? [Maybe she's a late bloomer and will grow into a compassionate human being any day now.]

  6. Any doubt?? Just a lying political whore like her parents.

  7. Born rich and in charge.
    Just like the royals in England.
    Disgusting P.O.S. full of entitlement mentality.


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