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Saturday, May 09, 2015

DHS Approved Amnesty Applications Despite Injunction

President Obama’s lawyers admitted to a federal judge late Thursday that they had broken the court’s injunction halting the administration’s new deportation amnesty, issuing thousands of work permits even after Judge Andrew S. Hanen had ordered the program stopped.

The stunning admission, filed just before midnight in Texas, where the case is being heard, is the latest misstep for the administration’s lawyers, who are facing possible sanctions by Judge Hanen for their continued problems in arguing the case.

The Justice Department lawyers said Homeland Security, which is the defendant in the case, told them Wednesday that an immigration agency had approved about 2,000 applications for three-year work permits, which was part of Mr. Obama’s new amnesty, even after Judge Hanen issued his Feb. 16 injunction halting the entire program.

Top Obama officials, including Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, had repeatedly assured Congress they had fully halted the program and were complying with the order.

More here


  1. Jeh Johnson should be charged with contempt of congress and with contempt against the court as well as failure to follow a court rorder. And the lawyers should be charged with contempt of the court! Of course I stand a better chance of being bitten by a shark here at my computer first!

  2. This administration is so corrupt and they don't care because nothing happens. They know they can get away with it. Obama and gang will protect them. Just look at Lois Lerner and the IRS. Everyone knows they were guilty of wrongdoing.Taxpayers should stop paying taxes and see what happens.


  3. The judge in question should start by sanctioning (fining)the lawyers and by clapping them in irons. He is enforcing the law and Obama and his various cabinet secretaries are both breaking it and flaunting the breaking of the law and the injunction.

    Obama and crew tried going over the judge's head to the next level but were slapped down.

    Send them to jail, your Honor. We support you and thank you.


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