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Friday, May 01, 2015

Developer Vow To Rebuild Senior Housing Cntr. Torched In Baltimore

BALTIMORE (WJZ)–As our city tries to move on from Monday’s riots–WJZ revisits North Chester Street where a huge fire caused major damage.

Amy Yensi has the latest.

Days later the smell of smoke fills the air. The burned rubble and debris that represent the height of the violence and destruction–for some, now a symbol of hope.

Broken bricks and metal slabs–the skeletal remains of what would have been a senior housing facility for the Southern Baptist Church.



  1. This is one I would not do, just because of what it was supposed to be. It needs to be left as a reminder to the neighborhood of what they could have achieved, but threw away over a mood swing.

    Sorry, but that's where I'm at on this one!

  2. Make all the rioting thugs and the mayor work on it.

  3. I'm sure he'll rebuild, once enough grant money and donations roll in to pay for it. Why not?

  4. By the time and insurance and government kickbacks get applied, this will be a windfall for the greedy .... No wonder he wants to rebuild

  5. it's just property

  6. Those who are a total drain on our nation's resources continue to be a total drain on our nation's resources. Never earn a dime, never contribute, always take from the rest of us.


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