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Sunday, May 03, 2015

Delmar Speed Camera NO MORE

Obviously someone got a ticket and wasn't too happpy with the fine. The speed camera next to Delmar Elementary has been removed. Our very own little Baltimore.


  1. Now this kind of destruction is good! Glad to see that finely someone has some balls!

  2. The person responsible should be arrested and charged.

  3. A justifiable killing.

  4. Now people will be going 55mph on Foskey Lane in a school zone.

  5. Give this guy a medal, these things take a photo, and accuse you of violating a speed law, then it is up to you to prove your not guilty. There is no Innocent till proven guilty, your just guilty.

  6. No they won't.
    How many kids have been hit by cars on that road, say, in the last TWENTY YEARS???
    But, the politicians thought that there was MONEY in those machines!
    And there was......was.
    Good job.

  7. Camera back up and operating today. Imclain, I have witnessed "crotch rider" bikers fly by my home doing 80 to 100 mph. and you think that doing any speed in a school zone is OK? I have passed that camera hundreds of times without a problem because I travel the speed limit. For safety reasons, I and my neighbors are glad it's located near by.

  8. I'd like to see this happen to ALL speed cameras. Which state was it to ban them? Missouri?

  9. if kids are in the school bldg does it really matter how fast anyone is going on the street? now when school lets out, slow down. ninnies.

  10. Well, 1:34....I see you used some "80-100MPH" bikers as your example. And how did you make the connection between me opposing speed camera's and me being okay with 100 mph in a school zone? if that's the best thinking you can do, you better get some training.
    I guarantee you didn't see them on THAT road. I go down that road often and have NEVER seen that. If a bike hits 100 mph there, he will crash. For sure.
    I also noticed that you didn't answer the question ---
    how many kids have been hit by a car on that road in the last twenty years? Go back THIRTY years if you need to.....
    By the way, I've never got a ticket there, either, so chill out with the "I'm such a good citizen!!" crap. There are a LOT of us.
    My complaint was twofold -1) its not about safety, it's about money and 2) robotic law enforcement only gets MORE pervasive as time goes by, so be careful what you wish for...
    Go back to cheering, Heinrich.

  11. I love speed cameras...I have never received a ticket from them. I match my speedometer with the MPH signs! If you get a ticket..you deserved it !!! I have not had a speeding ticket in over 20 yrs. I got old and slowed down. I have better things to spend my money on that give it to the state. My name is David Trice and I approve this statement !!!

  12. You're delusional if you think it's about anything other than the money. If the kids stay out of the road anyway, what difference does it make? They shouldn't be in the street to start with.

  13. Imclain. You don't live here so don't feed me your crap. True, I know of no children that have been run over on Foskey Lane. But your argument seems to be that speeding is OK. No way I'm I in favor of a Police State either. That was not my intended comment. However, I am in favor of peoples safety. Perhaps you should lighten up a bit.

  14. 3:18 Try to explain that statement in Baltimore.

  15. I don't live here? LOL!
    How stupid. Like you know where I live.
    YOUR argument seems to be "no kids have ever been hit by a car on that road, but don't let reason interfere with my, uh, reasoning. Lets go ahead and put camera's up anyway."
    If you NEED or WANT monitoring and surveillance at every stage and level of your life, move to China or North Korea.
    THIS country was founded on LIMITED government, not an all out surveillance state.
    And no, I don't have any tickets. And no, I don't think reckless speeding is okay.
    Which seems to be ANOTHER erroneous assumption on your part.
    You're pretty good at that.
    Keep cheering.
    And bust that camera at every chance.
    I'll cheer THAT.

  16. sure are a lot of 'brother keepers' here. some of you are not better than the govt. always want other people to do what you want them to do.

    why don't you worry about yourselves and leave other people alone. seems to me minding your own business would be a full time job.

    a nation of informants and good little sheep.


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