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Sunday, May 03, 2015



  1. Tell em shove it..county taxes are already high enough!! I live in Fruitland , work in Va. So I don't gives a rats arse about Salisbury's fiscal irresponsibility. This and past Salisbury administrations have been a joke. (Thank god for this blog or they would still be wasting my tax dollars) Mr Culver you owe it to ALL county citizens far enough away from the stink of Salisbury politics. NO NEW TAXES, FEES OR SCHEMES..We elected you to stop these type of democrat tactics. Cant wait to see this clown of a mayor and city put in its place.

  2. Bless you Bobby for handling this matter in an adult, professional manner (rather than acting like a whiny spoiled little brat who's mommy won't get him a bag of Doritos to eat RIGHT NOW or else). I sure hope whiny Jimmy fulfills his threat and protection for those of us outside the City goes to more responsible companies and the idjots that elected Whiny Jimbo have to pay for the extraordinary waste within SFD.

  3. Yay Bob!!!! Shove it down Iretons throat! But then again - he would probably like that

  4. I will keep donating to the 2 Fire Departments I give to if this agreement is accepted.
    If not and Whinny Boy's is accepted I will no longer donate to any Fire Department in Salisbury / Wicomico County area.

  5. Thank God someone has sense--it sure isn't Ireton--

    The liberals think that laws don't really exist--they think that they are optional and often get in the way of their twisted lives

  6. 6:49 - Whatcha smoking pal.

    This is Rick Pollitt deja vu -- kicking the can down the road, with no commitment to anything but the status quo.

    And what about that transparency Bobby promised us last year. Wasn't it another closed door meeting?

  7. The sad part about all of this is that the volunteers in the city want to provide services to the county residents. Its their time that they are giving and they want to give it to the citizens of their jurisdiction. Why hasn't the county executive spoken to them about this situation and ask how they feel about it. Quite frankly, its a different story than what the City Mayor has.

    1. The volunteer county departments are always looking for good quality members

  8. Congrats to Bob Culver and the committee members for standing firm but talking and negotiating. And a bigger congrats for the decision and timetables presented. I applaud your efforts and direction.

  9. You go, Bob! Thank you for taking the time to research this and come up with a sensible alternative to the Drama Queen's threats. That $2 million back in the County pockets should really help our surrounding county stations and maybe even place some equipment closer to town to save on mileage.

    Let Jimbo go pout in his own little corner...

  10. The County should open a couple temporary stations around the areas affected by the city not responding. Easily done with no interruption in service.

  11. Bob Culver deserves an A++ in my book. Many in his position wouldn't be educated enough to research the topic. If Ireton decides to embark on the Nuclear option - then the onerous will be on him and not County Executive Culver. I say Wicomico County should hold back any payments - and divert the funding to the fire stations that will man the County residents. I say go for it.

  12. It's time for Wicomico County to start a new Division of Wicomico County EMS. It will pay off in the long run and you won't have to deal with this crap over and over again.

    The money already dumped for EMS and Paramedics will go a long way in paying for it.

    Then the County should do a Paid fire officer that all the volunteer departments went through before any decision making and held responsible and accountable.

  13. Um, Julia Glanz?? All she knows is Unions. Wrong person to have on this committee. Does she even know what a fire truck is?

  14. I'm sure that big fat lazy slob Hoppes is filling Bob's ears with lies.

  15. hold back the money from the three volunteer stations 16-1-2 (Salisbury) and give it to the other surrounding companies and give it a try. if these other companies such as parsonsburg, Delmar, etc. can handle the call volume...wow...2.2 million saved.
    if it doesn't work then find a calculation of what a call expense is for fire and pay per call, same for EMS with a "credit" back for what is billed the patient and then pay per call.
    sounds like a good plan....

  16. Thanks for handling this for us Bob, this is why we voted for you. Keep up the good work.

  17. Concerned Retiree said...
    I will keep donating to the 2 Fire Departments I give to if this agreement is accepted.
    If not and Whinny Boy's is accepted I will no longer donate to any Fire Department in Salisbury / Wicomico County area.

    April 28, 2015 at 7:11 PM

    You might as well keep your money.

  18. Anonymous said...
    The sad part about all of this is that the volunteers in the city want to provide services to the county residents. Its their time that they are giving and they want to give it to the citizens of their jurisdiction. Why hasn't the county executive spoken to them about this situation and ask how they feel about it. Quite frankly, its a different story than what the City Mayor has.

    April 28, 2015 at 8:21 PM

    What volunteers are left after Rick Hoppes and John Tull ran them off.

  19. Anonymous said...
    Congrats to Bob Culver and the committee members for standing firm but talking and negotiating. And a bigger congrats for the decision and timetables presented. I applaud your efforts and direction.

    April 28, 2015 at 8:25 PM

    Congratulations my A$$!!

    There shouldn't have been no negotiations. This is what the County is giving out, if you don't want it we will be providing our own fire and EMS.

  20. Anonymous said...
    The County should open a couple temporary stations around the areas affected by the city not responding. Easily done with no interruption in service.

    April 28, 2015 at 8:44 PM

    Yes intelligent one! Please tell us how that is done!

  21. Anonymous said...
    hold back the money from the three volunteer stations 16-1-2 (Salisbury) and give it to the other surrounding companies and give it a try. if these other companies such as parsonsburg, Delmar, etc. can handle the call volume...wow...2.2 million saved.
    if it doesn't work then find a calculation of what a call expense is for fire and pay per call, same for EMS with a "credit" back for what is billed the patient and then pay per call.
    sounds like a good plan....

    April 29, 2015 at 9:06 AM

    No Bozo a county wide fire and EMS plan is a much better plan. I as a tax payer am tired of footing the bill by paying more taxes to Salisbury.

    Think of this I have to pay the same amount in taxes living further out and I don't even receive services. Now the people living just outside the city limits in the county pay the same tax rate I do and they do receive the services from the Salisbury Fire Department. Why am I having to pay for their share of taxes when they should be paying more, not me and the rest of the county tax payers.


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