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Thursday, May 28, 2015

Costs of Baltimore Civil Unrest Estimated At $50M

BALTIMORE (WJZ) –It’s been weeks since Baltimore’s riots and now we’re learning how much the city’s response cost taxpayers.

Derek Valcourt explains the city is preparing to fork out $20 million, which doesn’t take into account how much the state and National Guard spent in its response and how much money businesses lost from damage or the curfew.

Even before teens started throwing rocks and setting fires on April 27th, the city had already brought in extra help from police jurisdiction around the state. The city’s own officers worked lots of overtime throughout the disturbances.

Now weeks later the city’s Board of Estimates authorizes taking $20 million out of the rainy day fund to help cover some of those unexpected costs.



  1. Don't expect a state bailout.
    This problem was caused by city policies and its leaders.
    Fix it yourselves.

  2. If it's to be fixed, let the idiots that got out there and destroyed it, fix it, then they just might appreciate what they have.

  3. Baltimore City Mayor gave the permission to 'destroy', let her figure out how to pay for it. It should NOT come from taxpayers on the local, state, or federal level.

  4. Again, ignorant leadership voted into office by ignorant voters. It's the entitlement minded voters that put these people in office.

  5. The City government needs to de-segregate itself and change its hiring standards from skin color to brains.

  6. look at all the jobs created!

  7. Fire the Mayor of Baltimore

  8. Burn the rest of it down and move on.

  9. They are trying to put all taxpayers on the hook for it, by submitting a bill to FEMA.

    Taxpayers, not the majority of savages who committed the crimes.


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