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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Confession: Liberal Columnist Says Left Lies, Intimidates to Silence Right

Kirsten Powers, a USA Today and Daily Beast columnist and designated "liberal" on Fox, confessed in her new book that the left aggressively tries to "silence people" who don't fall into the liberal line.

In The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech, she calls out the lefty tactics, especially how they belittle conservative women and African-Americans. She said the goal is to silence the right and its outlets.

"Conservative women are treated as dimwitted, self loathing puppets of the patriarchy, or nefarious gender traitors," she writes in the book from Regnery Publishing provided to Secrets.

Ditto for blacks. "Raffi Williams, a young black conservative who works as the deputy press secretary for the Republican National Committee, told me he regularly gets Facebook comments or tweets from supposed liberals calling him an 'Uncle Tom,' 'house n­-word,' race traitor, and sellout," she added.

Powers is sure to get slapped herself as a sellout for hitting what she views as hypocrisy by liberals, as former CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson did before her.

"Two experiences unexpectedly put me in a regular relationship with conservatives: working as a contributor at Fox News and a later in life conversion to Christianity. The more I got to know actual conservative and religious people, the harder it was to justify the stereotypes I had so carelessly embraced."

More here


  1. I saw Kirsten on Fox. It was interesting and I may have to get her book. If more liberals were honest then perhaps their leaders would begin to lose power.

    Otherwise we need to collectively vote out these bozos.

  2. I've noticed this myself, quite frequently on social media, but also in the mainstream media. People are more comfortable when they can compartmentalize and belittle the "others." Those who are savvy at media relations use this to keep us divided along gender, racial, political and religious lines.


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