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Sunday, May 03, 2015

Child Protective Services Launch Investigation On Baltimore Mom Who Hit Son

“A woman seen hitting and berating a black-clad teenager, later confirmed to be her son, has been hailed as “mom of the year” after her intervention on the streets of Baltimore was caught on video. As violence flared up across the city on Monday, the woman, who was identified as Toya Graham on Tuesday afternoon, was filmed telling her child to “take that f—— mask off.”

“Graham spoke to CBS News about the video, which initially went viral with little context. In the interview, the single mother of six tells the network that she intervened out of concern for her 16-year-old son’s safety. She said: “That’s my only son, and at the end of the day, I don’t want him to be a Freddie Gray. But to stand up there and vandalize police officers, that’s not justice.”



  1. CPS needs to get a grip! It is clear as day that she cares for her son. If it were my kid, I would have done the same.

  2. They need something better to do. This move by them is outrageous. A parent of all those kids should have done the same thing. This is just more liberal democrap! Wonder where the incentive to do this came from. Wonder how convenient it is the da is married to a city councilman and the mare is secretary for democrap national committee. This has been a plan in the works for quite some time, I suspect. Monkeys inna woodshed.

  3. I stand with Toya! She did the right thing!

  4. The "nanny state" is beginning to show iit has fangs as well as teats. I hope the big picture is beginning to reveal itself to the more sentient among the masses, and these self-serving "protests" evolve into a much larger but orderly, inclusive rebellion against the juggernaut of laws, rules and intrusions our government has become.

  5. Thats just ignorant. The state of md needs to start minding there own business

  6. I predicted this to my wife. The state agencies cannot have parents disciplining their children without their help or their purposelessness is exposed.

  7. Every person worth their salt should come together in this case and tell CPS to pack sand. They help many children but in cases like this they are the problem!

  8. So i guess it's now illegal to raise your children properly. No wonder there are more thugs produced every day

  9. Baltimore is a testament of how well CPS does their job.

  10. The democrat controlled nanny state cannot have parents discipline their kids without their permission.

  11. Wow you have got to be kidding. This crap gives DSS a bad name. Social workers suck. They are part of the problem for real. They took my cousins baby away and it got killed by the people. This mom loves her son. they are just showing off.

  12. Another overreaching government agency..corporal punishment is whats missing in this county..they need to stick to real abusive issues as intended?..

  13. When this story first broke a couple of commenters said this would happen.I honestly hoped they were wrong,but they weren't.

  14. Actually, these idiots need to prosecute the parents of all the thugs that were in the streets running wild. This woman deserves a medal.

  15. I knew it. CPS thinks it is better to have the boy riot and possibly get killed than be corrected. what a joke

  16. It is ok for the police to hit him though....
    A. Turlock

  17. When CPS shows up, she should go HAM on them too. CPS is about money, and not what is best for children. They need to get more kids to fosters who get paid to do what they do. Can't keep that funding up without removing children from their parents.

  18. Lets protest this...for real.

  19. How ya like that good ole MD gov't now folks?
    Larry, are you listening, are you reading the comments on stories like this one? This is the kind of BS we voted for the GOP to stop., over-the-top gov't control. Get involved, Larry, and put an end to the abuse these agencies engender.

  20. I hope she's been paid plenty of money from the various talk shows she's granted interviews to.

  21. I think the boy is a dummy and the mother is a ventriloquist.When he spoke her lips were moving.

  22. The CPS need to know when to stand down.

  23. I say lock up those that are doing the investigation at CPS!!

    It's more important to lock up this woman for doing the right thing to discipline her child than to go after the thugs looting, burning and terrorizing our police officers and elderly that week in Baltimore. WTF!!

  24. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It is ok for the police to hit him though....
    A. Turlock

    May 2, 2015 at 10:33 AM

    Hey TurdLock. I detest cop haters so I am going to be looking out for you!!

  25. I hate cops. And, these murderous Baltimore MD police officers will receive what is due to them one way or another. Cops are finally reaping what they have sowed for years. Check out what happened to the police in NY.


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