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Monday, May 18, 2015

CareFirst seeks 28 percent average increase to 2016 individual health plan premiums

CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield, the region's largest health insurer, is seeking an average premium price increase of 28 percent for individual health plans in 2016.

The Maryland Insurance Administration on Friday released CareFirst’s and other insurers’ proposed rates for individual and small group health plans. Proposed individual rate changes ranged from a 3.2 percent decrease to a 30.4 percent increase. Small group rate increase requests ranged from a 16.6 percent decrease to a 14 percent increase.

Proposed rates are subject to a public comment period, and review and approval by the Maryland Insurance Administration.

Baltimore-based CareFirst said its proposed individual rate hike — by far the largest among its competitors — reflects the cost of caring for the older and sicker population that has newly been buying individual health plans under the federal Affordable Care Act.



  1. Can I go ahead and get my $2500 savings now?

  2. I have been telling you people this was coming. It's all part of Obamacare. Now maybe you will wake up! The Maryland Insurance Commission should refuse this flat out. Just keep voting Democrat, idiots.

  3. Holy crap. Another de facto pay cut, as more is removed from my paycheck to buy this insurance.

  4. This is designed to happen by the Democrats to have the policies increase to levels where the Government will step in and demand that we have a single payer---and the end of medicine will happen even quicker than it already is...

    Disgusting takeover of 1/6 of our economy

  5. The only thing I have to say is I certainly hope this does not pass. We have been paying BCBS for the last 40 years and would not even come close to using what was paid in. Now that I am getting older they want to increase the rates because I am older. Obama has given these people license to steal including
    O'Malley too!!!!

  6. This is grossly unfair and I believe a clear case of class discrimination for older citizens.

    The Governor should look into this and NOT allow MD insurance commissioners to pass this into law.

    Citizens are being hard pressed on every side by this terrible government to create confusion, and eliminating tried and true health plans in favor of obama's failed policies and failed healthcare plan. His strong-arm is written all over this.

    Citizens DON'T LET THIS PASS.

  7. they want to force everyone into the bronze plan, which pays for nothing, resulting in a huge percentage of the population going into bankruptcy due to medical bills.

  8. Medicare pays the brunt of my healthcare expenses. Carefirst pays a VERY TINY portion, one or 2 dollars for most charges. Yet they charge A LOT per monthly premium. Are they going to be paying a larger portion of each bill? Or what do we get for this HUGE premium increase.
    Guess I'll look for another supplement plan.

  9. Your "leaders". LOL!
    Even the people so enamored with obama are getting screwed royally.
    MORE net pay reductions so insurance companies get MORE profits. Because that's who paid the bribes.
    And you obama loving goofs cheered this lie??? Even after they themselves admitted they lied to you?
    You should be ashamed.

  10. If the increase this 28% they should make provisions for thru local agencies for assistance for paying this huge increase. I am a married mother of 2 teenagers and my husband and I can not afford a 28% increase. We had a 8% increase last year and it had a huge impact our medical expenses. But the ones who get FREE healthcare via welfare wont notice it they will continue to suck the system dry. meanwhile my husband I am have to figure out if we opt for higher deductibles to keep the bi-weekly employment deduction at a manageable amount and PRAY nothing serious happens to us. . . The middle class is dwindling. It will soon be the Rich or the Poor no working middle class.

  11. My company insurance just jumped from $622.00 a month to $726.00, so I guess I should be thankful.

  12. Health insurance as you and I once knew it is over. Doctors are fighting back and there will be NO insurance before it is over.


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