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Thursday, May 28, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert indicted on bank-related charges

Federal prosecutors have indicted former House of Representatives Speaker Dennis Hastert on bank-related charges and accused him of lying to the FBI.


  1. Meanwhile, Al Sharpton gets a free pass on the millions he owes in taxes.

  2. notice how the msm hides that he is a (D)?

  3. 6:35
    Because he is not.

  4. IMO the downfall of the country dates back to when he became Speaker of the House. Hastert then Pelosi then Boehner. No wonder the country is so messed up. Why don't we have any real leadership anymore?

  5. 6:46
    The downfall started just after the election of 2006. The dumbocrats and Pelosi took over.

  6. The 'downfall' of this country began in 1910 with the Aldrich Plan. That downfall was further sustained and secured in 1913 by the Owen-Glass Act (The Federal Reserve Act).
    It's like this, if you borrow from those who have all of the money and are charged interest.., where's the interest going to come from? More rutting debt, that's where.

  7. Fool 6:35, he is a Republican.

  8. Blackmail payments made over a "former indiscretion" before going into politics. He was a high school wrestling coach, connect the dots.

  9. I did notice they put an R by sheriff Lewis' name in a article.


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