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Friday, May 22, 2015

Boy Scouts' Leader Urges End to Ban on Gays

Boy Scouts of America President Robert Gates said on Thursday the group's ban on adult gay leaders cannot be sustained, a move that could open the door to ending the policy that has caused rifts in the 105-year-old organization.

Gates said at a national meeting of the group in Atlanta he does not plan to revoke the charter of Boy Scout councils that allow gay leaders, according to a text of the speech.

"We must deal with the world as it is, not as we might wish it to be. The status quo in our movement's membership standards cannot be sustained," said Gates, who as U.S. secretary of defense helped end the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy that barred openly gay individuals from serving in the military.



  1. I say stay with the ban on gays!! We meed to step back in time and become a nation that leads and not one that follows.

  2. Yes, they have to have Gay leaders to teach the scouts how to Knit, cross stitch, nail painting and other feminine hobbies so they can get these merit badges.

  3. I want to now see whether Asbury and Bethesda churches continue to sponsor and support their Scout troops.

  4. Actively pursue gay scout leaders? Religious nuts push back hard to keep the ban. Actively sexually abuse the boys while the ban is in effect? It's okay, he was troubled, he repented for the sins, blah blah blah. The boy scouts have had child predators in their midst since the beginning, and not a single word. COver it up and move along (even locally). You people are sick in the head. I guess if you're married, and go to church, it's okay to abuse little boys. But, let's not allow gay scout leaders. That will fix everything. Garbage.

  5. Pedophiles are rich in scouts now also. What's next. maybe they can get a couple of convicted sex offenders to help out also.

  6. Another sign of our nation heading to Hell. If there is a God, and believe me there is, our nation is ripe for judgement.

  7. No Ireland has voted to approve same sex marriage. Apparently the uneducated indoctrinated youth from the public school systems came out of the woodwork to vote in favor. The same mentality as we have in America. A very sad day for Ireland.


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