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Thursday, May 07, 2015

Blogger who organized Texas cartoon competition threatened with death

Islamic State have purportedly issued a chilling death threat aimed at right wing blogger Pamela Geller and claimed they have 'soldiers' in 15 U.S. states 'ready to attack'.

Two gunmen were killed and a police officer wounded after shooting broke out at a Prophet Mohammed cartoon event in Garland, Texas at the weekend which Geller helped organise.

ISIS quickly moved to claim the attack as its own work - and has now issued a terrifying death threat aimed at Geller, as well as claiming to have 71 'trained soldiers' operating within America.



  1. If they harm her, it may be open season.

  2. 71? Every town in America should hold a contest just like it, guarded by police and NRA members! Then, regionals, State, & the Nationals!

    I think that would eradicate the 71...

  3. Insulting people whose reaction to insults is violence is just stupid. I thought the same about Charlie Hebdo. It's one thing to take a risk in order to disseminate important information (Edward Snowden, Woodward and Bernstein), but to take your life in your hands for the sake of being insulting makes no sense. Some people can't get enough attention.

  4. If people are insulted by a drawing and try to kill someone it shows that they are sub human and deserve no consideration of their feelings. The people that kill over a drawing will find some other reason to kill.

  5. What about people that kill over a group of people not believing in the same god/gods? Crusades sound familiar?

  6. Q'girl, our Constitution is what makes our Country unique to EVERY OTHER country in the world, and the freer the better!

    Your freedom to come here and print your opinion cannot be done in a sharia law country, or you would be killed.

    Here, we will all defend to our deaths your right to express your opinions, even if we absolutely disagree with you.

    It's what makes the USA a free country.

    You want to respect sharia? move there, don't invite it here. Art contests prove the pen is mightier than the sword.

  7. 5:21 that's what's known as a "strawman" and has no place in this argument. The crusades were roughly contemporary with the Magna Carta and took place long before the Bill of Rights was written.

    People seem to think they have a right to not be offended and that's just not true.

    Funny how there's no #IAmPamGellar hashtag even though she's marginally less obnoxious than Charlie Hebdo.

  8. "Crusades sound familiar?" What the hell do the crusades have to do with the United States? I'll bet you voted for Obama, didn't you?

  9. 5:21
    obviously another product of our public edumication system.

    maybe you should try reading.

    the crusades were in response to the murderous muslim's westward trek across the med.

    but, i'm sure facts get in the way, right?

    go lie down and try to sleep off all those years of wasted energy.

    you are a colossal fool.

  10. 4:46 has no clue about how this country was formed and why.
    If we are to step lightly around people who murder innocents for "insulting them" (and YOU, 4:46, seem to think that's what we should do), then that slippery slope will lead right to the "thought police" and prison for saying mean things. Might as well adopt Sharia Law right now...
    I can't believe that any AMERICAN would take that viewpoint.


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