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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Baltimore Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby Under Fire For Personal Conduct

Marilyn Mosby, the Baltimore City State Attorney in charge of prosecuting six police officers for the death of Freddie Gray, Jr., is coming under increasing criticism from defense attorneys and legal scholars who think she is politicizing the case and using her prosecutorial power to create her own celebrity.

Ms. Mosby has raised eyebrows in several quarters with a media blitz that has spanned from a CNN interview that focused on her courtship with her city councilman husband to her decision to appear on stage with Prince during a rock concert for a song dedicated to Mr. Gray.

The legal experts say Ms. Mosby is in danger of running afoul of the Maryland Bar standards barring prejudicial conduct by prosecutors, or at the very least traveling down a well-worn path of failed celebrity prosecutions like those involving O.J. Simpson, George Zimmerman or the Duke lacrosse players.

“She’s a young prosecutor in the starlight with an agenda, which is not solely focused on prosecution,” said Mark O’ Mara, the Florida criminal defense attorney who successfully defended Mr. Zimmerman against charges he shot an unarmed black man in a trial that turned the tables on the prosecutors.

“If she wants to prosecute cops, that’s a gargantuan task in itself,” he added. “If she’s going to be the standard in which we prosecute police, then do it responsibly, don’t open yourself to undue criticism. A lot of lawyers are probably asking, why are you on stage with Prince — why aren’t you working?”

More here


  1. She has the same arrogant attitude that Nobama and Holder have. Like them, she also has just enough education to get the job,but not smart enough to do the job with any class or intelligence.

  2. Hey lets vote her in for President... Same stupid people will vote for ignorance as they did Butt Head Obamation...

    How do they get the law degrees? Does someone else take the test?

  3. Wow I am rethinking my support of her work. It appears she's focused on a political agenda. I'd rather she do a competent job.

  4. That house of cards will fall. There is so much more the public will hear about in the near future. She picked on the wrong folks this time. The truth will come out. Elijah Cummings and Murphy distancing themselves from her. She will be their scape goat.

    She can run for another office later and she will get elected by the same welfare community that elects most of the criminals we have in office.

  5. I see shades of not only Zimmerman and the Duke Lacrosse travesties but also Casey Anthony. That goofy "Dr G" changed the Manner of Death from Unknown to Homicide.

  6. Speaking of Casey Anthony,I read where she will soon be a paralegal.She cites her vast experience in the legal system & says she is amply qualified.

  7. Mosby's an incompetent semi illiterate corrupt slave girl dragged around by her nose by her masters the cops haters and her own envy. A truly vile and crude person.

    A snippet from a press release from yesterday:

    " Redmond grabbed a hammer laying nearby and struck Bostick in the head several times. Bostick was knocked unconscious by the blows— Redmond then drug Bostick into a storage closet, where he beat Bostick to death with the hammer. Bostick was struck 59 times."

    "Redmond then "drug" Bostick?"
    It's dragged. Drug is something you take when ill. She's another example of what a failure the affirmative action policy is.

  8. Concerned RetireeMay 13, 2015 at 3:00 PM

    If she gets debarred for her conduct she will make triple her salary.
    She is in with the "BLOOD", "CRYPT" and the other Drug dealers and pushers. She will be the "QUEEN" of her own gang.

  9. I do have a feeling she will be "Nifonged" (disbarred.)

    She worked in the SA's office, left to work in the insurance field, then was elected SA.
    I wonder if she wasn't asked to leave the SA's office years ago because she was a liability then.
    I looked back at some news articles when she was running for the office and some attorneys commented on her incompetence when she worked there years ago.

  10. If anyone is interested Freddie Gray used blackpepper_1600 for his twitter account.
    The 1600 stands for the block he operated in. He sold heroin. That was his job. All the hoodrat drug dealers do this.

  11. Tony Garcia, attorney for Sgt Alicia White said today that he wants Mosby to prosecute so she will be in the courtroom "when the music stops."

  12. That's not the issue, 3:32. That question is being thrown out to the low information and they are biting.
    Rise above and focus on what the real and only questions that matter are: Did any of these officers cause the death in a criminal way and or did they break any other laws.
    When you focus on these questions and not the "deserve" deflection, it shows you are better educated and have basic knowledge of the law and the justice system.


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