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Sunday, May 03, 2015

Are Students At UMES Really That Stupid?

I guess so.


  1. Yep.

    And I bet UMES cancelled classes just so they could pull this nonsense, too. They should lose every dime of taxpayer funding. Every. Last. Dime.

  2. It is being reported that "professionals" may be responsible for both the Ferguson unrest as well as Baltimore. They are using social media to drum up the adrenalin. This is most likely what's behind the student action at UMES on Rt 13.

    I think the Government needs to get serious about the likes of Sharpton. Throw him in jail for not paying his taxes and get him off the street.

  3. Ingrates... cant fix stupid they have been marxists trained. All of these incidents are a staged national black flag op by the leftist administration and its community organizations tentacles..This is treason!!!! An attempt to divide us, create hostility and rebellion. I call BS..

  4. Anonymous said...
    It is being reported that "professionals" may be responsible for both the Ferguson unrest as well as Baltimore. They are using social media to drum up the adrenalin. This is most likely what's behind the student action at UMES on Rt 13.

    I think the Government needs to get serious about the likes of Sharpton. Throw him in jail for not paying his taxes and get him off the street.

    April 28, 2015 at 4:05 PM

    DUH!! Did you just wake up?

  5. They will not put Sharpton in jail...they are too afraid of him. We are a country of weak minded followers with no leaders.

  6. They are lucky I ain't driving by there, stand in the road in my way and I will run you over, I am fearing for my life!

  7. Hope this energy is devoted to their studies as well.

  8. run over ALL those idiots!!!

  9. What nonsense. The mayor of Baltimore should be ousted. Her actions left the Baltimore police force powerless while the nation looked on. Working people need to rise up and squelch this out-of-control behavior. The best way to do it, is to end the free ride.
    Examen that!

  10. Sharpton's an opportunist, but I think you may want to look elsewhere for the "professionals" stirring the pot.

  11. You guys should be ashamed. Have some respect for students trying to make a difference. What is your child doing? Class was not cancelled, and the protest was peaceful and ended in a timely manner.

    1. You're a complete and utter moron.

    2. Standing on the highway and stopping traffic is peaceful?

  12. People don't make a difference by standing in the middle of a state highway and blocking traffic. That is just stupid and illegal. The way to make a difference is to get your college education and get a real job...not a community organizer.

  13. 5:22; blocking a public highway is not trying to make a difference. It is trying to make a scene. It is also selfish, not to mention illegal

  14. All youth should be held to the 3 strike rule. If you have at least 3 strikes your criminal record should be as open as any adults record.

  15. How else does the youth have a voice! No one listens! They just say stupid stuff like all the comments above! And they're stidents so obviously they're getting educations and soon to be degrees. People are so hateful when they dont agree. STUDENTS HAVE REAL JOBS! It's only but so many places here for students to work any ways. This was about having a voice. But some people are so ignorant to see it that way! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!

  16. 5:22 you should never comment on anything again with quips like that.

    do you have any earthly idea how much commerce that little "protest" disrupted?

    haha, why do i even ask, of course you don't.

    you see all those people and trucks and whatnot stalled on the roadway, that's commerce.

    those nitwit twits standing in the road should all be in jail right now, using their one phone call to call mommy and ....oh well, call mommy to come get them.

  17. My concern with them having blocked off the highway is the possibility of a driver who doesn't realize in time that traffic is stoppped & causes a chain-reaction accident with fatalities. Your right to protest doesn't include endangering the public. Impeding traffic is a crime.

  18. What was these idiots plan if say an ambulance was on the way to the hospital? A fire truck on the way to a house fire with children trapped inside?
    Hey 5:22 how about if the ambulance had one of your family members or it was your house on fire?? Would they be still be getting your respect for 'trying to make a difference"??

  19. Yes extremely dumb.

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    What was these idiots plan if say an ambulance was on the way to the hospital? A fire truck on the way to a house fire with children trapped inside?
    Hey 5:22 how about if the ambulance had one of your family members or it was your house on fire?? Would they be still be getting your respect for 'trying to make a difference"??

    April 28, 2015 at 9:51 PM

    what was their plan if aliens landed? or a nuclear bomb went off? or an airplane had to make an emergency landing?

    what if....?

    stop it for petes sake

  21. As a contrast to UMES, they should see how Morgan State students demonstrated yesterday. Those students went on the streets of Baltimore with trash bags and picked up the debris left by the looters.

    UMES could take a lesson.

    There's a couple of great pictures of the Morgan State students out there showing them doing that.

  22. Now I see why U.M.E.S. has a graduation rate of 11% , They don't have enough common sense to know what they're doing is illegal- impeding traffic . The problem is most young people THINK they are above the law. THEY ARE NOT ABOVE THE LAW , NOBODY IS !!'!!!

  23. Come on, folks.. They're just picking up an extra few dollars under the table. Some college students do this as a way of life and travel all over the country..


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