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Saturday, May 16, 2015

Ancient Antarctic Ice Shelf Nearing Complete Collapse

In 2002, two-thirds of the Larsen B Ice Shelf, located along the east coast of the Antarctic Peninsula, collapsed in a span of less than six weeks. According to a new NASA study, the remains of this ancient structure, which has existed for over 10,000 years, are likely to disintegrate completely before the end of the decade -- an event that would significantly contribute to global sea level rise.

“These are warning signs that the remnant is disintegrating,” Ala Khazendar from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, who led the study, said in a statement. “Although it’s fascinating scientifically to have a front-row seat to watch the ice shelf becoming unstable and breaking up, it’s bad news for our planet.”

Several recent studies have spotted an uptick in the melting of Antarctica’s floating ice shelves, which act as doorstops and hold back its glaciers and ice sheets from spreading outward into oceans. In some regions, the thickness of these shelves has fallen by as much as 18 percent over the past 18 years -- a process that has accelerated over the last decade.



  1. I believe it was reported that the Arctic's ice was thickening dramatically. Climate Change since the beginning of time, BUT this is NOT manmade.

  2. We need sea level rise to help take care of the drought in California.

  3. Where are the "Flat Earth Society" there is not such a thing as global warning nuts on this fact?

  4. Sea level rise to help with a drought? Really? Must watch FOX news.

  5. Antarctic is where the ice last year was growing so fast it trapped an icebreaker. Yes, climate changes happens all the time all by itself. There was once an Ice age, you know...

  6. 9:40 I actually read my news from all venues and don't bother watching any TV news. Info is to important to get in 30 second sound bites. Also I feel sorry that you can't recognize sarcasm. Maybe you should watch FOX news you might learn something.

    Also to any who care there of course is climate change and some of it is due to human involvement. But to think that man is the major cause of that change is hubris to the nth degree.

    Maybe there are to many Obama types in the world. That is in reference to hubris to those who don't get the connection.


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