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Saturday, May 16, 2015

Amtrak Train May Have Been Struck Before It Derailed, Officials Say

PHILADELPHIA — An assistant conductor on the Amtrak train that derailed on Tuesday believes she heard the engineer tell another regional train operator in a radio transmission that the train had been struck by something just before the accident, according to the National Transportation Safety Board.

At a news conference on Friday, Robert L. Sumwalt, the safety board official who is leading the investigation, said the F.B.I. had been asked to examine what he described as a fist-size impact area found on the lower left side of the train’s windshield. Officials said that the F.B.I. had been called in because it has the forensics expertise needed for the investigation, but that it had not yet begun its analysis.

Mr. Sumwalt said investigators had interviewed all three crew members, including the engineer, whom they said was “extremely cooperative” and displayed good knowledge of the proper procedures and speeds for the rail line. He said the engineer had not been fatigued and was not ill.



  1. They are just trying to CYA!! Going twice the speed limit has law suits written all over it!

  2. 11:12
    If the engineer was knocked out before the curve that would account for while they didn't slow down. He has said he doesn't remember what happened....this could be the reason why. I also read there were 2 other trails that were hit with something on the same day. You could be right.....but there could be more to this then we know or will ever know.

    1. I believe that there's something called a dead mans switch the engineer has to keep depressed. If he'd been knocked out the switch would have been disengaged and the engine would have cut.

  3. smells like muslims again , of course Obama will not admit they do wrong

  4. Interesting. I too remember reading or hearing on the news, not long the news of this crash broke, that at least one other train had reported that they thought they had been hit with a projectile of some sort. This train reported it not long before the crash and was in the same area but I don't think on the same track.

  5. Muslim terrorist did it.

  6. North philly is a ghetto like sandtown in baltimore. Now that it is warm, they will be out at night throwing rocks at the trains even more. It happens a lot along that stretch of tracks.

  7. Projectiles were fired at a downward angle,suggesting they were fired from an aircraft of some sort.That also explains multiple strikes on different trains in a short time span.

  8. Tin foil on sale at Giant today!


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