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Wednesday, May 13, 2015


The Wicomico County Council will be holding a budget session Thursday, May 14th and will be entering into a closed work session with the Internal Auditor after the budget session…the agenda for the closed session is attached…

The budget session begins at 9:30 a.m. with the closed work session to begin tentatively around 11:30 a.m

Room 301, Government Office Building, Salisbury, Maryland

May 14, 2015 11:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.    John T. Cannon, President
Call meeting to order
Opening Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance
11:31 a.m. Closed Work Session:
Internal Auditor:  Cell Phone Follow-Up, RedSpeed, Hotline Update, WINTF Audit Memo, Banking Audit Report, ESG Contract Compliance Report, DOC Pest Control, Enterprise Funds, Audit Pipeline
The County Council reserves the right to close a portion of this meeting as authorized by Section 10-(508)a of the State Government Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland.


  1. who is our county internal auditor?

  2. James Stephen Roser

  3. Joe Holloway for County Executive!

  4. Look on the website. His name is Steve Roser

  5. I see a update about cell phones is on the agenda. Tons of them uneeded paid for by the taxpayer. But still the county spends alot of money on a 2 way radio system that in most departments is seldom used. Ending I still hope this council and Mr Culver also gets a hold on the comp time that is way out of control.

  6. Anonymous said...
    I see a update about cell phones is on the agenda. Tons of them uneeded paid for by the taxpayer. But still the county spends alot of money on a 2 way radio system that in most departments is seldom used. Ending I still hope this council and Mr Culver also gets a hold on the comp time that is way out of control.

    May 13, 2015 at 7:28 PM

    Are you referring to the portable 2 way radios given to every volunteer fireman that is considered a "fire officer?" If you are I have to agree with you. The volunteer fire officers as well as the paid officers in Salisbury do not need these $2500 radios as their personal take home radio! Why do they need the take home radios when the County Council already pays for a portable pager for them! WTF!! And just about everyone has a cell phone so if they hear a call on the radio which is rare and then respond and feel the need to talk then they can all use their cell phones to call the 911 center. Take the portable radios away from them. They are also issued at least 4 radio per fire engine!! Another WTF! Those Farmin have been fooling Rick Pollitt and the Democrats for many years and now Bob Culver!! What a joke he has turned out to be.


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