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Saturday, May 09, 2015

A Viewer Writes: Public Nuisance

A beggar and pan handler at Super Giant in Salisbury. Literally tapping on windows asking for change.


  1. Why isn't it illegal to approach strangers for money. It makes me feel very unsafe, especially when i have my hands full or have my children with me. I think retailers should be responsible for keeping their shoppers comfortable.

  2. They now have a uniformed security guard who was hired (or so I was told) partly because of the panhandling problem. I wonder where he was when this happened.

  3. This same guy harasses me at Rita's and the Cook Out and I keep telling him I am calling the cops. He disappears then, but he still needs to be locked up. My kids are scared to death of him and the rest of the Homeless people like him.

    Many of them do have criminal records.

  4. I shop there and have never seen this happen, but I don't go at night either.

  5. As expensive as Giant is to shop at I would think they could afford some effort to prevent this.I've been in the daytime and they are always there.The last time i complained the manager sent one of the shopping cart guys to ask them to leave and the panhandler was back within minutes.

  6. This has to stop. It is hurting our businesses. If he is well enough to bang on windows he can go pull some weeds, take orders at a fast food store or get an entry level job somewhere. Clean up, bu responsible, or check yourself into a program if you need it, sir.

  7. I was at Giant a couple of days ago and saw the security guard in the store. Hopefully he will spend more time in the parking lot...I don't go at night anymore.

  8. Pretty striking comments
    "I do not go there at night anymore"
    "My kids are scared to death of him"

    So SPD feels that this is the new norm?
    Apparently, as they seem to do nothing about the increasing problem

    Oh yea I forgot, someone needs to get hurt first......

  9. I, too, have seen the security guy at Giant, but, he was inside, not outside. I don't know if the vagrants go inside too, but a lot of them were sitting along the curb behind Walgreen's when I left Giant.

  10. I was at Walgreens on Wed , as I drove out of the exit by Giant I saw these four beggers sitting on the curb ..The younger smaller one was counting a huge roll of money and laughing as the other 3 sat sipping soda from cups and bottles...Its a joke to them ,,,The wad of cash was big enough that I could tell what it was from 40 ft away...They are not hungry or broke ..They are taking stupid peoples money while stupid people are out there working their a$$ off...Cops need to chase this mess outta there.

  11. Very nice security guard at the entrance closest to the former Hallmark store. He was inside when I got there and inside when I left.

  12. that Shopping Center is going downhill fast I wish Giant would expand .. it is a dinosaur and pretty bad when Food Lion is it's main competition for the working Man's dollar

  13. It is one of two choices for many. ONE ...Panhandle for food money "I hope" or TWO...Break into your home and steal. What choice is better...ONE or TWO ?? Not saying either is right.it is the sign of the times...
    Some may have criminal records and with many of you one sided jerks...they can't get a job to get a second chance that I would hope many of them would be grateful for and I would hope they would want and now they have to do what they need to do so they can survive. U ask how do I know ?? Been there and to this day I still struggle to get that final break in life to make it a better life after a ONE bad fall over 17 years ago. Since then I kept my marriage ..my family ...my home and friends and still find it hard to get a really great job after breaking my back to get me cdl's , many of the endorsements and finally past couple of years I was able to get clearances and still find it hard to find that one great job...DOES IT MAKE ANY DAMN SENSE ??

  14. Everyone, go and buy yourself a can of Hornet spray, it shoots a stream of poison 20 feet, and just open the window of your car a few inches and let him have it right in the face. I garentee he will leave.

  15. Yep, the security person is in the store, not out side where the beggars are, I wonder why ????

  16. Anonymous MACK said...
    It is one of two choices for many. ONE ...Panhandle for food money "I hope" or TWO...Break into your home and steal. What choice is better...ONE or TWO ?? Not saying either is right.it is the sign of the times...
    Some may have criminal records and with many of you one sided jerks...they can't get a job to get a second chance that I would hope many of them would be grateful for and I would hope they would want and now they have to do what they need to do so they can survive. U ask how do I know ?? Been there and to this day I still struggle to get that final break in life to make it a better life after a ONE bad fall over 17 years ago. Since then I kept my marriage ..my family ...my home and friends and still find it hard to get a really great job after breaking my back to get me cdl's , many of the endorsements and finally past couple of years I was able to get clearances and still find it hard to find that one great job...DOES IT MAKE ANY DAMN SENSE ??

    May 9, 2015 at 8:48 PM

    Funny how you blame the commenters for your faults. No it's not our job to make sure you have a job or money to pay your bills. Don't be angry at the comments because they are sick and tired of you angry people with criminal records who steal from us and beg from us. Get a life or move!

  17. The problems of Homelessness and begging can be blamed on 1) Lore Chambers for advocating for the Homeless and the Cities who gave them one one tickets to Salisbury.

    The Homeless are also a product of ECI and the criminals being let out of ECI and them staying here. Contact the new Governor's Office and let him know what you think of ECI. Shut it down or re-locate it.

  18. 2:58

    JERK nobody has ever given me anything that I did not earn and NEVER been on welfare as that is not me and I have NEVER stolen from nobody and no blaming "JOE" or the commenters and just saying some of these folks down on their luck has to do what they have to do and if you don't like it LEAVE and find a SAFE zone for your life..hahaha


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